Burners and TV compatibility

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by tfouch, Jul 23, 2003.

  1. tfouch

    tfouch Guest

    Is it possible to connect PC-related DVD burners (such as the Sony or Pioneer line) to one's TV? Do the burners typically come with the relevant connectors, etc.? If not what must be done?
  2. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    No, they dont come with the leads or anything. It is advisable to buy a DVD recorder for your TV.
  3. princy1

    princy1 Guest

    To connect a pc based dvd drive to a tv is possible but you would have to more or less build an entire pc with operating system and include a tv card for video capture with a tv out facility on your graphics card, or a vivo card to make it work. As Oriphus said your better off buying a set top unit.
  4. tfouch

    tfouch Guest

    A little research tells me that Gateway 2000 sells a plasma tv that accepts a VGA output and/or a digital output. Do you know anything about whether this would answer my needs and if so how good or bad is the end result?
  5. Oriphus

    Oriphus Senior member

    May 31, 2003
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    My God man, if you are buying a Plasma tv you can afford to buy a bloody set top unit. lol ;-)

    Most plasma's will accept a VGA input as will projectors. I was going to buy a plasma, but instead bought an SXGA projector for £900 off ebay. now i only paid for it today so i hope i get it ok.

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