Hi, i have got about 1.5 GB data of wmv files, when i tries to convert them into dvd video with Nero 7. it says that files are too big, i tried to delete some clips but after deleting so many i have realized that 1 clip which is 48mb of wmv file is taking 3.2GB on a dvd. i am not 2 worried about picture quality, please advice me that what should i do to get all this data(1.5GB) on to dvd(4.7GB) to play in dvd player. your help will be really helpfull
Don't worry about the size of the converted file/s, go ahead and use nero vision to perform the conversion, having it save the file/s on your hard drive. Once it's done you can then use nero recode to reduce the file/s size to fit onto a DVD-5 disk and have it burn to disk as well.
thanks for replying i am trying to do just as you said but too b honest it is taking so much space on hdd. well trying to do in bits as soon as i am done i will let you know thanks.
i hve got 2 hard drives(60+40), but bcz of partitions each drive is about 10gb and 15gb. but if i do this data altogether it takes about 70 gb sapce on HDD in total. so have to do in bits as i donnt have space altogether. any suggestions that while converting file is there any software which can compress them same time?
Room is really your issue and the only way is to do it in sections.However 500gig hard drives are only about $155 aus these days.You may consider that well spent dollars on your next upgrade
i have found this software quit helpfull Xilisoft Video Converter 3.1.43 . it is taking half space compair to nero vision.
My suggestion would be to try/buy convertxtodvd, it's the best there is (in my opinion), the application will convert any file to DVD and compress the file at the same time to fit onto a single layer DVD-5 disk. I have it and feel it has no equal at doing what it does. Convertxtodvd http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/
@skyryder Yes, on their site it states: Supported audio formats: AC3, DTS, PCM, OGG, MP3, and more... Try it, you won't want to use anything else to do what it does.