Ok, I'm quite sure there's some sort of guide or something, but to be honest. I suck at finding stuff. I know how to burn DVDs which are 4.39gigs or lower, but I'm having a problem with DVDs that are bigger. I read that you can strip it of it's extra features, but I read the FAQ and it said that the program cannot run on WinXP. :'( So can anyone help me to burn a 4.39+gig DVD into a blank DVD-R? Even if it requires striping it of it's extra features. Thanks.
PS: I've seen alot of Guides on how to burn them, but I've only got around 11gigs of space left on my one and only HD. Damn 18gig HD.
have a look in the guide section with regard to using dvd shrink and dvd decrypter. A hard drive upgrade may be in order as you are going to run out of space very fast
Oh ok, thanks! Yeah, I've had this computer for about 6 years. Getting a new one soon. Btw, I just download DVD X Copy Xpress, will this do? I hear it compresses or squeezes down DVD-9 movies into a single DVD-R.
dvd x copy works (apart from having to pay for it) dvd shrink to encode and using dvd decrypter to burn is totally fool proof (well all most and free
321 who makes XCopy is going bankrupt and the software isn't going to be supported much longer so with Xcopy being as picky and temperamental as it is the lack of tech support is a very bad thing. Plus if you need to rectivate it when you reinstall and 321 is gone so is the ability to reactivate it. I've always recommended DVD Shrink over XCopy and even more so now. _X_X_X_X_X_[small] JMLS-166S/Plextor PX-708A/Plextor Premium My Movies! http://www.intervocative.com/dvdcollection.aspx/Rephaim[/small]
Should be enough to get things working! Have a look at http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/dvd9_to_dvdr_with_dvd_shrink.cfm
just one note ... when using DVD Shrink, it will leave a file that is 4.35GB in your local disk. So when burning is complete, test your backup ... and if all is good with your backup, delete that file to free space for your next backup.
I also have XP and have followed this guide. Works great for 4.4 or less, but the larger ones still run out of space on the disk! The green bar shows only green (no gray or red), compression gets down to 50-60%, then when it is nearly done burning it gives error that there is no more space on disk! What am I missing here?
wpjhhk, My guess is your checking all of the audio. You only need one either DTS or AC3. I leave DTS unchecked.
You can also "burn on the fly", that'll save space. Anydvd has a 30 free trial, use it to burn Disc to disc, with only a temporary folder.
I have three audio choices, DTS (707MB), AC3 (418MB) and LPCM 2 (1443MB). I have only the LPCM checked, but of course it's the biggest. Does it matter which one I choose, other than size of course? This particular DVD is a music video, but same thing happened when I had a double DVD in last night.
When you need a large amount of compression you should always use Deep Analysis. If you don't Shrink may not calculate the target size correctly and miss the target size, making it too large. The other option when you you need a large amount of compression is not using Deep Analysis but setting a custom target size of about 4300MB. That allows for the calculation being off. Deep Analysis is also supposed to improve picture quality at high compression.
Thank you both - veblin and flip218. Yes, LCPM 2 is a third choice under audio, and is by far the biggest on this DVD. I actually did set custom size of 4360 per instruction guide. Guess I can try Deep Analysis next. Maybe choose a smaller audio option too!
It's Shrink 3.1, just downloaded last night. Trying to copy Led Zeppelin. Same thing happened last night trying to copy Secondhand Lions.
wpjhhk, found a brief discussion about lcpm v. ac3 http://forum.digital-digest.com/archive/topic/36498-1.html
Hmmm, the horns of a dilemma! For Led Zep, the better quality audio would be the preferred way to go, IF I can get it to burn without running out of space! For regular movie, the video is more important to me. Guess I'll try Deep Analysis before I change the audio on the music DVD. Guess I'll also switch to DVD-RW till I get it to work!
Now I've tried everything and cannot get shrink to work on larger DVDs. It looks like it's doing right, but every time it gets to about 95% done encrypting, it errors out saying there is not enough room on the disk. Now I think it means my hard drive, since it hasn't even gotten to the burn stage yet. I had 9GB free, then cleared out a bunch more, so I have 12+ GB free. I even defragmented the drive in case it needed more contiguous space or something. Nothing works! What can I do? I even tried just sending the file to the hard drive and then going back to burn it in a separate session, but DVD Encryptor does not recognize the file type or something. An ISO file is the wrong type, and the VIDEO_TS won't open - doesn't even display in a list of "All supported files" when I browse that directory. I've tried 4 different 'long' movies and 3 different DVD brands. Can anyone figure this out?