burning a burnt copy

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Pum, Nov 24, 2003.

  1. Pum

    Pum Guest

    Have looked around trying to see if someone has had the same problem but can't find anything like this.

    I have Nero Ulead Movie factory 2 SE and DVD Decryter and DVD Shrink. I have ripped quite a few DVD and copied onto +RW and -RW, but know want to redo them onto princo DVD-R. In Ulead movie factory I get error code 8004152d right at the start of the burning attempt, and that is through drag and drop and also retrieving HD copy that DVD Shrink has produced. With DVD Decryter I am trying ISO Read to create the file and it falls over at 99% and 100%. Also have pioneer burner.

    Hoping someone can help
  2. Matador

    Matador Regular member

    Jul 3, 2003
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    If you riped then with DVD Decrypter then you don't have to worrie about anyt encryption on it.

    So just use Nero to Copy from disc to another..
  3. Pum

    Pum Guest

    My problem seems to be more involved than that. Firstly the DVD's are perfect to watch on my DVD player, so I presume the copy is okay. When I ISO Read it in DVD Decrypter for some reason they all error at about 99 - 100% complete. On the other hand DVD Shrink will copy it onto HD fine, but my burner (Nero- ulead movie factory 2 SE) wont burn and comes up with an error code 8004152d. All the DVD's I have burnt so far are on TDK RW's and I have just bought a spindle of princo DVD-r which I am trying to burn onto (I don't think so but could this be the problem?) hoping someone can help ---- please
  4. Pum

    Pum Guest

    One more thing as suggested to just copy from disc to disc. When I do this I get the error message of 8004152d which I have no idea what that refers to.
  5. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Hi Pum,
    Changing your media is a good idea because you had success with TDK media. I haven't used Princo but I have not heard good things about it.
    Good luck!
  6. Pum

    Pum Guest

    Also, with my Nero when I get the error message, it I change disks to a +RW it works no probs. I have successfully done 3-4 DVD-R so it does burn to this media. Any suggestions as I'm going mad!!!!!
  7. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    I would try TDK -R or +R media instead of the Princo. I know you have burned on some of the Princo media. Its not inconcivible to have bad discs mixed in with the good. If the same video files burned to a -RW disc then won't burn to an -R disc, using the same program and settings, I would have to suspect the media.

    Does anyone know what NERO error codes mean?

    Good luck!
    (that error code might mean crappy princo?)
    Please don't go mad, after all they are just DVDs_X_X_X_X_X_[small]motorcycle racer
    computer newbie
    Sony VAIO
    Suzuki GSXR1000[/small]
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2003
  8. koola

    koola Guest

    Update Nero first to see if it solves the problem.

    If the problem then still persits, check that you have the latest ASPI drivers installed on your system.

    Princo are not that good for DVD so I would buy some quality media like TDK as fasfrank said or buy some Ritek G03 or G04 discs. These are the best I have ever used in my opinion, so get it a try!

    Good luck mate :D
  9. Pum

    Pum Guest

    Thanks for all your help. I have found something very interesting which I'm not sure if anyone can explain, but here goes.

    As my problem as stated above, if I copy from disc to disc. If I put in a princo dvd-r I get the error code 8004152d. If I put in a TDK+ or -RW as RW's are the only TDK I have it burns fine, then (heres the interesting part), after it has burnt onto TDK I then put a princo in and just burn again it works fine!!!!! I have looked at the speed it burns for tdk which is 2.4X by default and princo 4X by default, everything else is the same. So when I try to burn first on princo I check all settings and up comes the error again.

    So one I have solved my problem but have to burn twice.

    By the way my nero ulead movie factory 2 SE I don't think is the same as nero 5 or 6 as I have looked on the internet at burning procedures for 5 and 6 and it looks nothing like my screen. Maybe I have a cheap version of nero that was bundled in with the computer when I bought it.

    Any help to save me burning twice would be much appreciated.
  10. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Hi Pum, Just to try something different. Download BURNATONCE. It is similar to part of Nero 6 with out all the extras, but has the proper format for burning dvds. See if that works. If it does, then its Ulead thats causing the problem. Jerry
  11. Pum

    Pum Guest

    thanks jerry746, have downloaded but need to read instructions as it doesn't seem to user friendly, but will pursue as anything is better than have to burn twice.
  12. koola

    koola Guest

    Just use CloneDVD to burn with Pum, its so easy to use :D
  13. Jerry746

    Jerry746 Senior member

    Oct 23, 2003
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    Hi pum, koola probably knows more about these things than most of us. CloneDVD is an excellent choice and if you run it with Anydvd, thats all you need. Both have trial downloads to see if you like it. Very easy to use. Jerry
  14. 32Degreez

    32Degreez Member

    Dec 13, 2003
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    Stop using princo. My friends dvd drive won't burn dvd-r's. weird huh. get the good stuff from now on. take it as a loss.
  15. koola

    koola Guest

    Sure do, but I was a newbie once!

    Pum, just use CloneDVD and AnyDVD and you will wounder what all the fuss was about.
    This is the number 1 choice for newbies. Once you have conquered CloneDVD, the other apps will be easy lol. At least, thats what I think!


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