burning a dvd iso

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by mauser7mm, Sep 2, 2004.

  1. mauser7mm

    mauser7mm Guest

    I have a copy of Encarta that is an ISO and has to be burned to dvd. I tried nero, burn an image, and MagicISO. I get a burn but the computer won't reconize the disk as having anything on it. I want to be able to burn and use on my daughters computer when she goes to college. What am I doing wrong. Should I convert it with DVD Decrypter to a bin/cue file and use CloneDVD to burn it?
    No problem with cd's but the dvd thing is driving me crazy. I have the same problems trying to burn a Video_ts file.
    I have a Magic I/O burner and DVDXCopy works great!
    Any help would be appreciated. I have nero, nero ultra, MagicISO, Dvd Decrypter, Pinnacle instant CD/DVD and Drop&Drag cd/dvd.
  2. Wagz

    Wagz Regular member

    Jul 29, 2004
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    Sorry to ask the obvious question, but is your cd drive a cd/dvd drive?
  3. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Hi mauser7mm, Welcome to aD :)

    Let's start with your ISO's size.

    If it's under 4.36 GB use DVD Decrypter -

    a guide for DVD Decrypter for DVD-5's

    ScubaPete's Guide to using DVD DECRYPTER TO BURN DVD-5's

    NOTE: When you are working with DVD-5's OR you wish to copy a DVD Xcopy Xpress Backup DVD Decrypter is an excellent choice - a DVD-5's (<4.36GB) requires no compression.

    Now here's the "Uncle" ScubaPete's, can't miss, step-by-step guide to using DVD Decrypter -

    I always create a folder on my Desktop named " All DVD Work" and before ripping my DVD's I create another sub-folder with the name of the movie I'm backing up. (i.e. C:\All DVD Work\The last Samurai singing Dixie.)

    Next - you need to download this:
    (Get your DVD Decrypter's newest version here - )

    To do the backup with DVD Decrypter it's best to do it in the ISO image mode. First go to "Mode" then "ISO," then select "Read." Where it says "Source," select the drive containing your original DVD. Hopefully, this drive is your DVD-ROM drive. Using your burner to read a disc is hard on the drive. The constant starting and stopping of the drive can cause over-heating and can prematurely wear your burner out. If you have just the one drive, there's not much you can do but use it. Where it says "Destination," Browse until you find your pre-made folder and select that. Now "Click" the Disc-to-HD icon

    When the "Reading sound" signals that the job is complete, remove your original DVD and insert your *blank DVD. Then go back to "Mode," then "ISO" and then choose "Write". Now we go to "Source" and locate our folder where our ISO file resides. Then, let's head to "Destination" and select our burning drive where our blank DVD disc awaits. Lastly, we "Click" the HD to disc icon and STAND BACK FROM THE COMPUTER ! It's too late in the game to want to make a **coaster, isn't it ?
    Your PC requires more resources while it's burning than at any other time. The only other thing that requires that much of your PC's resources is the encoding of your DVD. To copy a DVD successfully it's only necessary to use a decent grade media and to let your PC do its "thing" without your interference -
    until we hear the "Finished tune". This method will also make excellent copies of previous backups made with any other application, as your backups don't require any additional compression.

    *DO USE RiData, Sony, Ritek G04, Verbatim DataLife Plus or media boasting "Advanced AZO Dye. All other media could very well cause errors, only the very best media should be used for DVD Video backups. Now is defiantly not the time to put your crappy cheap stuff in - )

    **Coaster is a single-write DVD that for one reason or another hasn't been burned correctly and therefore cannot be played. Its only use is for a beer coaster. NOTE: It is illegal to use a DVD coaster for any other drink but beer.

    Thanks for stopping in and remember,
    When you want Guides with a personality, shop ScubaPete :p)

    PS there's a new DVD Decrypter out just this week -
    The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô)
    Compaq 8000, Pent IV CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD.
    Pioneer 107, 8X R/W , Nec R/W ND-1300A, JLMS DVD ROM.
    128MB GeForce4 TI 4200, O/S XP[/small]
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2004
  4. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    If you're trying to get the size smaller, use DVD Shrink to pick it up and then split it into 2 easy-to-play-with sections and spread it over 2 discs, DVD's or CD's.

    Cheers -


  5. mauser7mm

    mauser7mm Guest

    The DVDs I'm using are cheapies, do have some Verb I will try. I read with a DVD/cd-rom drive (Aopen), and burn with a I/O Magic dual format DVD burner. The file size is 3.21 Gig. I don't have, but will get an updated version of DVD Decrypter. I will give feedback as soon as I can. Thanks.
  6. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    The only thing I see right off is your media. Put those Verbatims in (I hope they're DataLifes). I would lower your burn rate to 2.4 or so and toast that bad boy with DVD Dercrypter.

    Staying with an ISO image sounds like the right way to go -

    Let me know how you fare :)

  7. mauser7mm

    mauser7mm Guest

    Got a question in the mean time! What are good dvd's to use for video's. Would appreciate the name and the style/type/model/series, etc. Thanks. For videos I have kept to a 1-2x media. I've used only DVD-R, Verbatim DataLife Plus and Hyperm, having good luck with both.
  8. mauser7mm

    mauser7mm Guest

    Thanks Scuba, Got the latest DVD Decrypter, used Verbatim DataLifePlus and all worked. Now I have to try to get a good copy of my Video_TS to burn. lol
  9. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    See that, you put a good combe together and you're a burning maniac (Lol)

    As for media, I, like "Branded" RiData, Printable RiData, Ritek G04's, Sony, Verbatim DataLife and DataLife Plus(that's a top of the line stuff there :)and TDK's, I use DVD identifier -

    To check my stuff out -

    My parting words ?

    Beware of Memorex



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