Burning a DVD off HD

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Frizzo24, Jun 28, 2004.

  1. Frizzo24

    Frizzo24 Member

    Jun 28, 2004
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    Hello everyone.
    I'm fairly new to DVD burning and all it has to offer. I have recently dl'd a dvd, all the audio_ts, and video_ts files, to my hd, and tried using Nero to burn them to my dvd+r media. The thing is, it won't do it. It spits the tray open, then shuts it, hangs for a bit, then does the same thing and rejects the request. I used both their dvd movie option and dvd rom option and both ended with the same results. Is there any other way that I can get the files to a dvd and run it in my player? I'm using an IO Magic IDVDRW8D drive.
    I have been successful backing up movies using dvdxcopy.


  2. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    What did you use to rip the disc?

    Nero should recognize the VIDEO_TS folder and burn it no problem.
  3. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    What version of Nero are you using? And could you go over your steps?

    I've got Nero 6, and couldn't get classic ROM to work. But I could get Nero Express to work. I open Nero Express, choose DVD-Video Files, double click the video_ts folder, then on the right I click add, browse for the movie I want to burn, add all the files in the video_ts folder, click finish, then next, name my disc and burn. I don't add any audio_ts files(beceause I never have any).
  4. brobear

    brobear Guest

    A few questions here. I'm familiar with DVDXCopy and know it can handle all the recording functions in the one program. Nero doesn't accomplish that on it's own. If the movie file is larger than the target disc capacity, you have to have a transcoding software program to cut the file to size, the best known freebie is DVD Shrink and it works well with the Nero burning ROM.

    Depending on the version you have of Nero, you may or may not have Recode2. Recode2 comes with the Ultra Pack. Are you using the trial program or a retail pack? Recode2 is a transcoding software capable of taking a HD file and taking it all the way through the encoding and burning stages. The basic formula is
    Decrypt/Rip to HD; analyze and reencode (shrink); and burn. Simple, but you have to have the software to do all these. If the software is below the target disc size, then you can eliminate the transcoding part. It would still be easier for a novice to run the files through the program to set up the burn.

    With all that said, just a few questions.

    What program did you use to download/rip the movie files to HD? (Nephilim's question)

    What program did you use to edit the files for transcoding?

    Which of the Nero versions do you own and do you have Recode2 (sometimes referred to as the video plugin)?

    Which of the Nero programs were you using?

    Were there any error messages and if so, what were they?

    If there was a log created, that might also be helpful.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2004
  5. Frizzo24

    Frizzo24 Member

    Jun 28, 2004
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    Well it did, but when I tried to burn, I had the problem mentioned above.
    As far as what was used to rip it, i didn't do it. It was broken down into four rar files. The movie works fine when I play it in Power DVD though.
    I tried using express, but that didn't work either. I also tried using +RW media to see if that would work, but it didn't. I'm using Nero
    I'm not sure how to check to see if I have that plugin or not. I'm pretty sure that the version of Nero that I have has Recode 2 though.
    As mentioned above, I don't know what was used to rip and transcode the movie. I'll try and get that info though.
    I have tried Nero burning rom and express.
    I did not save the log file, but I did write down a few errors that went by in express.
    1)DVD Video files reallocation failed
    2)non critical error occured during the operation which may result in defective write. Do you wish to continue? (I chose Yes)
    3)DVD Video files compliance ignored
    4)DVDRW IDE1008 could not perform start of disk at once.
    After number four I tried finding a way to stop disk at once but couldn't find it.
    Also when trying express, it kicks the dvd tray open a couple of times as well.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2004
  6. brobear

    brobear Guest

    You said the file is in 4 rar files. Rar files are archive files. Would this be a video download from the net? You may be into a file incompatibility problem here, if I am correct in my assumption. Your PowerDVD player may play these, but Nero has to recognize the files, and I'm not sure it properly recognizes rar.

    WinAce extracts rar files. Have you tried extracting these files into a single folder. I'm not even sure it will work then, due to the manner in which the files are delivered. It's worth a try though.

    With the files extracted (separate folders), a program such as DVD2one might be able to splice the parts back into a whole. I have never tried recording a movie from rar files. Does any one else know anything about this or have any ideas?

    BTW, the easiest way to tell if you have Recode2; click the choice in the Quickstart console. If it opens, you have it.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2004
  7. brobear

    brobear Guest

    RarSoft WinRAR is a program that uses .rar. I have a program, WinAce that extracts this type of file. The WinRar program may be more of what you need. http://www.rarsoft.com will give some idea of what you are dealing with. This should help. My knowledge of this situation is limited, but my understanding is that you will have to unload the files from the rar container folders.

    Here is some explanation of what you have.
    1. What is a RAR file
    RAR is the native format of WinRAR archiver. Like other archives, RAR files are data containers, they store one or several files in the compressed form. After you downloaded RAR file from Internet, you need to unpack its contents in order to use it.

    2. How to handle RAR files
    WinRAR provides the complete support for RAR files, so you may both create and unpack them. If you installed WinRAR on your computer and downloaded RAR file from Internet, you may double click on RAR file icon to open it in WinRAR, select all files, press "Extract To" button, enter a destination path and press "OK". Another way is to click on the RAR file in Explorer using the right mouse button. If you enabled "Shell integration" option when installing WinRAR, the file context menu will contain "Extract to ..." item.

    Some RAR files can be parts of multi-volume sequences. In WinRAR you can split a huge archive to a few smaller files, which are called volumes. They may have extensions .rar (the first volume), .r00, .r01, ..., or .part1.rar (the first volume), .part2.rar, ..., etc. If you need to unpack volumes, place all them to the same folder and start extraction from the first volume.

    3. RAR versus ZIP
    Comparing to ZIP file format, RAR provides a number of advanced features: more convenient multipart (multivolume) archives, tight compression including special solid, multimedia and text modes, strong AES-128 encryption, recovery records helping to repair an archive even in case of physical data damage, Unicode support to process non-English file names and a lot more.


    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 29, 2004
  8. Frizzo24

    Frizzo24 Member

    Jun 28, 2004
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    I was just saying that, that's how I dl'd the files. I already extracted the video and audio ts files and folders. I'm not trying to write the rars as a dvd video.
    I've just been told the programs used were dvd encoder to tear the images off the DVD, dvd rebuilder to do the initial rip, and cce to do the re-encoding of the video streams,and then the disk images are sized down with dvd rebuilder + cinemacraft encoder.

    Last edited: Jun 29, 2004
  9. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Sort of threw us there. Usually when someone says they downloaded a DVD to HD, they have a DVD and ripped it with the likes of DVD Decrypter. You downloaded files off the net that were from a DVD which is a bit different. Using a physical DVD is much easier and there is even free software for doing the job. I didn't realize what had happened until you mentioned the RAR files. Much of what I entered was just in case you didn't know what you'd gotten into. Obviously, you understand RAR files.

    Here is a thread that might be of use. These guys have been working with rebuilder.
    Don't know if they've done anything with RAR files.

  10. Frizzo24

    Frizzo24 Member

    Jun 28, 2004
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    hehehe ya...
    Well i did figure it out, but i had to step away from nero completely, and used record now max. That worked like a charm.
    Thanks for everyones time and help.

  11. brobear

    brobear Guest

    Glad you were able to get it going.

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