Burning a DVD using Nero 8 with Windows Vista Ultimate

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by jenjen99, Nov 3, 2007.

  1. jenjen99

    jenjen99 Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    I just got the newest Nero and I'm having issues with figuring it out. I'm trying to burn a dvd and it's not working. The movied files are .vob. I tried it twice and neither one of them worked. Can anyone help me out with this. I'm getting frusterated and impatient. LOL I transfer the .vob files and burn them, then when I put it back in my computer to try it, it just brings up windows explorer and shows me the files. Any help is greatly appreciated. I've used Nero for a few years and never had any problems with it before.
  2. Zapattack

    Zapattack Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    VOB files are only the raw video track.
    Showtime or VLC will play them.

    A DVD movie disk consists of an index information file (IFO) and a backup (BUP) of the index file, plus the VOB files.

    You get a folder view when you insert the disk because
    that is what was chosen for the AutoPlay option.

    Right-click the VOB, select Open With and change it
    to Nero Showtime or the VideoLan player. Chose the Always option box.

    To make a DVD movie disk from the VOB files, just use NeroVision.
    It will create the IFO and BUP files.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2007

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