i am trying to burn a dvd. so far i have managed to use dvdfab hd decrypterand got the dvd copied to my harddrive (which i now cant erase from my coputer?) i then tried to use dvdshrink 3.2 (could not find a free copy of the latest edition?) and managed to burn it onto my dvd (tesco's dvd-r 8x 4.7gb) and it came out bad, it skips all the time and that is if you can get it to play in the first place. can anyone help?
Never heard of Tesco dvd medias. But I would suggest to use good quality dvd, such as Verbatims and Taiyo Yudens. Also keep your dvd burner firmware updated. And burn speed at 4x-8x.
Hi 1)free download of dvd shrink can be found at softpedia in a bit torrent form. u will need bitcomet or another as utorrent to download it 2)burn at 4x. it is best and less read problems. 3)Burn probs may have to do either with your media( I like ritek or taiyo yuden)or the burner(I like plextor 760) 4) shrink is not a great burning program. instead output files from shrink in either file format(hard file format and burn with nero) or in iso format and burn with imgburn(Free from imgburn.com) 5) after ouputting files from shrink, u can now delete the original fab files uless u plan to do something else with them Hope this helps
What is your burner and what is the current firmware on it? Do you have the latest DVDFab installed? DVD Shrink does not burn only compress, what program did you use to burn with? You should be able to just delete the file DVDFab created. If your DVD is skipping, pausing, freezing or pixellated it is more than likely media related, burning to fast or out of date firmware.