I used DVD Decrypter to read my game that i inserted i followed ur guide and i have done that but now i am trying to burn it with DVD Decrypter but when i start the burining process a screen pops up and says deviceIoControl(FSCTL_LOCK_VOLUME)Failed! Device: my dvd burner wich is BenQ unable to lock volume for exclusive acess reason: access is denied plz help me
you havn't got anything in your second drive do you? that could be a reason. is there any other program is accessing the drive? checking these usually solve it for me
i only have one drive on my computer and no i dont think there is anything accessing my drive other than that is it possible for me to use the ISO file and burn it on nero start smart?
yeh you should be able too. just open nero express click write image file and find your file you know the rest that should do it for you