Burning at 2.4 instead of 8 please help

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Maven, Jul 11, 2004.

  1. Maven

    Maven Guest

    Problem: I cant burn faster than 2.4 speed

    Im am using:
    NEC ND-2100AD
    Memorex 8x dvd+r
    firmware revision 103d (default)

    using dvdinfopro i found that my write descriptor is 2.4

    I deleted ide controllers and they’re set to dma
    I do not want to install any hacked firmware (unless there’s a real good reason too)

    Any ideas?
  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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  3. Maven

    Maven Guest

    someone in the irc chan directed me to firmware too, but to be honest I would like to think of it as a last resort. It sounds a bit risky and maybe its naive but I don’t understand why I should have to. Could I get a little info on why my pc can’t burn correctly out of the box? And what exactly the firmware does? Also how do I install it perfectly (i.e. DOS in winXP)? Thanks )
  4. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    In a very basic sense, firmware is a set of instructions residing on a chip built into the drive that gives the burner all it's instructions on how to operate, media recognition and burning parameters.

    Drive makers are constantly updating their firmwares in order to improve performance with more types of media as well as improve write strategies. Stock firmwares almost always need improvement which is why so many people are pointing you towards installing the newest version available for your drive. You should be able to get your 8X burns without resorting to a hacked firmware.

    You can check NEC's site for the latest revision or you can get it here:


    The above link also has a forum discussing all aspects of firmware, what they do and how to install them so I highly suggest checking it out - lots of good info there :)

    Updating firmware doesn't involve any type of voodoo. It's a very simple and straightforward process that simply needs to be done correctly :)
  5. Maven

    Maven Guest

    Ok its the next day and I’ve read almost every thread on the firmware page about the nec-2100a drive. it doesn’t sound like anyone has ever burned past 4x in the history of the drive.

    Im really confused about this because this is basically an oem drive that dell ships with lots of there PCs, and its unable to burn past 4x or 2.4 for me? I also checked out the 2 firmwares available. There both hacked by the dangerous brothers, and neither has anything to do with burn speed. They’re for rip speed region free and burning -r media. There is no “official firmware”.

    The avg pc user will never goto afterburn or the firmware page a day in there life. So am I the only one in the world this happens to or am I the only one who tries to fix it. Or maybe there’s a mysterious voodoo answer I haven’t found yet?

    Is there anyone out there that can explain: are people out there actually burning at 8x with a dell pc and how?
  6. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Keep in mind that Dell also uses the Teac W58 DVD/RW in their PCs as well.

    Firmware 1.04E is the latest official firmware listed at rpc1.org. The Dangerous Brothers firmwares are actually found at a different linked page.

    You can also try Dell's support for the newest firmware for your specific model PC/drive.


    This NEC forum may be of interest to you:

  7. Maven

    Maven Guest

    Thanks guys for all your help i looked through those new links and i found something intresting on the dell support page:

    "Release Title Removable Storage: NEC ND-2100A HH 8X DVD+RW, Firmware, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Multi Language, Multi System, v.104E, A01
    Release Date 07/01/2004
    Category Removable Media Storage Devices

    This firmware fix allows the NEC ND 2100A drive to report recording at maximum speed on certain software.

    It will also allow the drive to burn new media that has recently come into the market"

    I guess this was my 1st venture into the world of OEM and I was caught off guard.

    I think im going to try to flash this or whatever and see what happens. hopefully this can help if anyone else has this problem here is the link for this firmware

  8. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    The only real problem ocurres when our younger generation, unable (or too lazy) to read flash their drive with a firmware meant for another drive :-(

    When you are ready to flash, make sure the model numbers match (Duuuhhh, Lol)-

    You'll do fine -


    Oooohh yea, Welcome to our little Club :p)

  9. Maven

    Maven Guest

    Thank you. This is an amazing site i used it to learn how to burn dvd's in the first place. Before i flash I have one concern. The only firmware i could find from dell is the:

    "Removable Storage: NEC ND-2100A HH 8X DVD+RW, Firmware, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Multi Language, Multi System, v.104E, A01"

    my drive is labeled as:

    "NEC ND-2100A 8X DVD+R/RW"

    Um thats the same thing isn't it? i think the D is for dell or maybe the dark bezel, but i don't know about the HH on the firmware. For those with experience do you think this is the right firmware? also would you recommend the dangerous brothers firmware over this

    I don't understand why everyone needs rip i don't know what RPC1 is and i don't know why i need rip lock if i have a dvd-rom for the ripping. Also why does everyone want dvd-r instead of +r?

    So i want to use one of these firmwares and im not sure which, and im not sure if a can safely try both.

    Thanks again, Maven
  10. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    The safest bet would be to go with the firmware at Dell's site. The hacked firmwares are for those that want higher ripping speeds and a region-free drive so unless you want all that I wouldn't bother with them.

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