burning audio cd's that play on all cd players

Discussion in 'Audio' started by mistyroxy, Jul 27, 2005.

  1. mistyroxy

    mistyroxy Guest

    Until about 6 months ago, I could burn audio cd's easily with Microsoft Media Player on my computer with WinXP home edition. Now I can only make audio cd's that regular cd and dvd players don't recognize. I've tried 3 or 4 different programs, still they won't play. My CD-RW is about 3 years old and is 40x max.speed. Have used 2 brands of blanks and still nothing. What could be wrong?
  2. RagePro

    RagePro Guest

    You are most likely burning .mp3 files and dont all cd and dvd players play that
  3. mistyroxy

    mistyroxy Guest

    If that's so, how do I not burn mp3 files? When I look at the file info on a newly burned cd, it says its a cda file. I don't understand the codecs, but I thought Media Player (or whatever program I use) automatically converted to a codec for playing the cd's on regular cd players.
    Thank you for replying.
  4. weazel200

    weazel200 Regular member

    Feb 26, 2005
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    Nero is alot simpler and easier to use.
  5. RagePro

    RagePro Guest

    i think theres an option in nero that say what type of file would u like to burn like .mp3 or audio disc choose .mp3
  6. mistyroxy

    mistyroxy Guest

    Thanks for the advice about Nero, but I don't have that. I am able to burn disks, but they just won't play on reg. cd players. The thing is, it worked fine for me until about 6 months ago and now won't work. I've tried Roxio,Itunes,Real Player and Jad6 players but have the same problem. Surely there is some kind of expert out there who knows what the problem is. I have a friend who's having the same problem and he can't figure it out either. I only want to make copies of some of my cd's for playing in the car. Could I have inherited from the web some kind of file that's causing the problem?
  7. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    Does the disc finalize? If you can see the files on the disc using Windows Explorer and they display as trackXX.cda, (.cda being the "Windows" label for Formatted PCM files) but it won't play on a stereo then the disc may not be finalized
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2005
  8. mistyroxy

    mistyroxy Guest

    Thanks, but yes, it does finalize. The cd tray opens when it's done. Good guess though.
  9. ozsarah

    ozsarah Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    mistyroxy, I'm in the same boat as you. Have never had problems burning CDs and now I can't with any success.

    I have tried burning them through Windows Media Player (having them saved to the computer as either an MP3 or Windows Media Audio) and although the CD burns OK. When listened on the car or my walkman, the first six songs are always OK but the rest are distorted or do not play.

    I've tried Nero as well, and again with no success.

    It is frustrating. I've made sure the CD burning is down at a slow speed.

    Someone must know what the problem can be yes? I can honestly say it isn't the CD writer on this computer as I've tried it on two other computers with the same non success. I've changed brands and makes of CDs too without any success.

    Help someone, I'm going out of my mind.
  10. mistyroxy

    mistyroxy Guest

    Looks like we're both going out of our minds. Could this be some kind of computer control via programs that got loaded on our computers without our knowledge? That's what I thought at first, so I wiped my hard drive clean and reinstalled WinXP, and what a job that was. Still, same thing. It makes me furious because I still believe that somehow the recording intudstry somehow has taken control of what I can and cannot do on my own computer with my own cd's. I'm really hoping some genius out there can help us.
  11. RagePro

    RagePro Guest

    i think i noe the problem.... when u check ur disc does it have audio content in them
  12. mistyroxy

    mistyroxy Guest

    Thanks for your reply. Yes, it does have audio content in them.
  13. RagePro

    RagePro Guest

    maybe u should buy a new cd rw.. jus a sugest
  14. ozsarah

    ozsarah Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    I have two computers, both with CD writers, so I don't think that is the problem. As I said, I can burn VCDs without any problem.

    I'm starting to wonder whether the programs I have, have problems converting MP3s. I might try another test run today burning songs in Windows Media Audio and trying it that way. I think I might download Windows Media Player again, just in case that is having a problem. Doesn't explain however why I get the same result with Nero and Record It.

    Mistyroxy - together we'll find a solution :) hopefully.
  15. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    So you uninstalled Windows Media Player? That could be the problem seeing as the apps you mentiond probibly require the OS specific drivers provided by Microsoft that are tied into Windows Media Player. I would definitly try re-installing WinMediaPlayer.

  16. ozsarah

    ozsarah Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    No, I've never actually uninstalled Windows Media Player but thought I would, just to see whether it made a different.

    However, it still doesn't explain why I'm dupicating the same problem using Nero and Record It on two different computers.
  17. ozsarah

    ozsarah Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    You're never going to believe it but I made a perfectly working audio CD.

    After burning a couple more failures, I decided to give up. Then today, on a totally unrelated matter (I was trying to find the manual for our slow combustion fire) I found the registration for a MP3 CD Maker software I had on three computers ago.

    I found the software, downloaded it, still had the registration code (which worked) and burnt the CD AND IT WORKED!!!!!!!

    The program is called just that, MP3 CD Maker, by ZY Computing Inc.

    Mistyroxy, I've sent you a private email with the link.

    Hope it works well for you as it did me. The company suggests using a good quality CD, and recommended Kodak Ultima. I jused the TDK I had here without any problem.

    Now I'm off to burn another, just to make sure.
  18. fpjkaba

    fpjkaba Member

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Hi ozsarah... What's the news about MP3 CD Maker. Does it really work?
  19. ozsarah

    ozsarah Member

    Jul 29, 2005
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    It works perfectly. I've burnt over 20 CDs now without a single problem.
  20. mistyroxy

    mistyroxy Guest

    Ozsarah, please tell me again the name of the program you're using to burn your cd's that will play on all cd players. I lost the private email you sent me with the name of the program and/or the website for it. I just gave up trying since nothing I did worked.

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