How do i write a cue file to Cd using Alchol? When i open the file in Alcohol and select 'image burning wizard' the start button is imobilised.Why is this? What do i do? Do i need another program in order for it to work?
I`m sorry but my Alcohol is in Finnish, but here we go... So u have image in list? and u take burn wizard (second) So u will get this Pick setting and burn FIX: So what does not work?
On that second page it says select dvd recorder, which i don't even know if i have. but it doesn't even let me acess the drop down menu and i can't use the start button to start the write.
Do u have nero? then u can check that u even have dvd-burner. (StartSmart have two options upper right: CD, DVD) Or use Nero InfoTool. If not, u cand burn dvd-image, only cd-image...