Burning double sided

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by bop-all, Jun 30, 2004.

  1. bop-all

    bop-all Member

    Jun 30, 2004
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    Hi everyone.

    I just have some questions about burning double sided dvds.

    How do i know that my burner can handle it?

    Is there any good software that can split movie dvds into 2 for burning on double sided dvds?

    I would greatly appriciate any help
  2. joshua67

    joshua67 Guest

    hi: your dvd burner could handle 4.7gb thedoublesided
    dvd on each each side has 4.7gb capacity. but the
    8.5 capacity is on only 1 side: verbatim.
  3. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    If you can burn writable discs you'll be fine. A double sided disc is two disc, you just need to turn them over. The problem you might run into is media compatibility with your players ... so make sure it's quality media.

    I'm sure you can use DVD Shrink or any program that has re-authoring tools.

    Very true, but this would be a dual layered disc ... not double sided. And you would need a dual layer burner.
  4. joshua67

    joshua67 Guest

    hi again: i would like to reply nero is being used
    now to burn a double sided dvd :it only burns 1 sided
    because its doubled layered.sony dru700.flip218 hi,
    would you try to call the dell co. and find out
    ifyourdvdburner is able to burn 4.7 or a large capacity.
    iwould tohelp : im givingyou my idea for burning a dvd
    movie. ok , dvd decrypter,regionfree,these 2 progams
    must work at thesame time do the rip in file mode
    third program dvd2oneto shrink the movie,fourprogram
    dvd shrinkopenfiles and then go to backup.its easy
    soon you will run allkinds of movies on you dvd player
    have fun its a piece of cake

  5. fasfrank

    fasfrank Active member

    Oct 15, 2003
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    Dang your replys are hard to read...Do ya think you might spread things out a bit, ???
  6. joshua67

    joshua67 Guest

    hi: im so sorry ill try harder next time :
    thank you for the advice
  7. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    LOL ... I second that!!

    No need to call dell, my 840G is after market. And I believe [bold]all[/bold] dvd burners can burn 4.7GB discs.

    Not true .. don't need regionfree. When you run it through Shrink you can choose region free.

    Shrink will do it all except burn(by itself). All you really need is DVD Shrink w/ DVD Decrypter (and a pc using the NTFS file system). Use Shrink to rip and compress, then use Decrypter to burn(ISO's).
    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Dell 8250, Pentium 4 2.80GHz
    1.5 GB RDRAM, 200GB HD
    TDK 840G, Sony DDU-1612 DVD-ROM
    XP Pro, ATI All-In-Wonder 9000 Pro

    Gateway 450, Pentium III 450MHz
    384 MB SDRAM, 160GB HD
    NEC 2100A, LiteOn LTD-163 DVD-ROM
    XP Pro, 16MB nVidia RIVA TNT[/small]
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2004
  8. joshua67

    joshua67 Guest

    hi it maybe true but i tryed it as an iso,
    and it didnt work , so i am useing
    the software that works best for my sonydru510a.
    the steps that im useing works excellent.
    now im trying to figure out how to do ps2 games,
    with out mod chips or swaps it never works with
    these items i tryed dvd decrypter to do an iso
    for ps2 and it didnt work. i wiil read more
    to figure it out i would like to backup the whole
    ps2 game if theres a will theirs a way.
  9. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    Why didn't it work? Is your file system NTFS?

    Also with either ps2 or xbox, I believe you have to have a mod chip.
  10. joshua67

    joshua67 Guest

    hi: my file system is ntfs, but i have no idea?isos
    i have no idea what could be wrong?
    isos dont work maybe its the im doing it.
    is there a guide i could use? is it the udf 1.02.
    that could be wrong or its the 1.50. im still
    looking for more clues. iso 1.02 or is01.50 ?
    i tryed gamesxcopy it dosent work?
    there is no good software out thers to backup
    your ps2 games.
  11. flip218

    flip218 Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    You must be using Nero to burn your ISO. Instead of choosing 1.02 or whatever, just choose burn image. Better yet ... Just use DVD Decrytper to burn.

    This is how I do it: Shrink w/ Decrypter
    1) Open Shrink, open disc
    2) Click "backup!"
    3) Change target destination to "ISO Image File", then check the box to Launch DVD Decrypter
    4) Click ok

    GamesXCopy is only for pc games.

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