Burning downloaded licensed music...

Discussion in 'Audio' started by muttman, Feb 19, 2005.

  1. muttman

    muttman Member

    Dec 30, 2004
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    Hi all,

    Despite being a dab hand at dvd burning, I'm struggling with this cd burning problem, which is new to me...

    Basically, I've downloaded a couple of trcaks from mycokemusic.com (perfectly legally), and now find that I am unable to burn them to cd - what the hell is the point of paying to download music if you can't burn it!?? (and they wonder why people still use p2p so heavily...). Anyway, it says I need a license to burn it. Surely any license would have been bundled with the file that I downloaded?

    Is this a common problem, and is there any easy way around burning protected/licensed audio files onto cd (like an audio equivalent of dvd decrypter)? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

  3. muttman

    muttman Member

    Dec 30, 2004
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    Cheers for the reply diabolos.

    Unfortunately I did read that thread before posting - I downloaded Jet Audio Basic (as it's the only free program mentioned), but still haven't found a way to burn the licensed files yet. Other than that, I found no other free solutions to the problem, time consuming or otherwise - what am I missing here...?
  4. diabolos

    diabolos Guest

    Sorry about that muttman,

    You have to record the songs to your hard-drive! No app will let you burn or convert a protected audio file. But Fair use rights does allow for recording the songs in any format you like to your HDD.

    Basiclly you need to play the files with your licensed media player while recording to your hard drive using Jet Audio's "Wave-Out Mix" option. You don't need any cables or anything. Jet Audio Basic will take it right from your PCs sound card.

    Have you seen my guide?

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