Helo, I am having a very frustrating time with attempting to burn DVD's. I have a Sony Vaio that is two years old. I have tried at least five different burning programs, tried a dozen different dvd blanks, even bought a new player. But I still end up with about 50% of my burns as unplayable. I am extremely frustrated and broke. I am listing my hardware properties below to see if one of them is the problem. DVD Decrypter- version Shrink - version 3.2 1 Click DVD copy 5 Sony DVD RW DRU-820A as my burner ( the burner came with Nero software, but I haven't installed it) Samsung DVD-ROM SD-616E I tried the combo of Decrypter and Shrink, but the results were not good. I don't even remember what name blank I was using, I have tried so many. My burner recommends the Verbatim blanks for Dual Layer burning. Some success. I turn off my virus programs etc, disconnect the Internet, but it only helped a little. I am so confused and frustrated I could scream. Someone please take pity on me and help me sort out the problems. HELP!!!!! Thanks to anyone willing to take on my questions. I'm not a computer geek, but I have basic knowledge. I'm just lost. Again, Many thanks in advance to anyone who is willing to try and help fix this for me.
Sassy, those programs you have tried cannot handle the newer copyright protections without some help. You can still keep all those programs and use them (shrink IMHO is the best) with a program called anydvd. It has a 21 day trial. That program will make shrink work almost flawlessly, it runs in the background. You can also get a free program dvdfab decrypter and that, with it's constant updates makes everything alot easier. Last, but not least there is ripit4me, which I have heard alot of good things about but have not yet needed to try it. I am confident that if you use one of the above mentioned programs, along with good media (verbatim is what I use) that you will be getting better results almost immediately.
@sassy123: I may be speaking out of place here because I am not a mod, but talking about this is frowned upon:
@sassy have you made any progress? Did you try to use anydvd or dvdfab decrypter? Give an update please so we know whether you are fixed up or still need some assistance.
I downloaded AnyDVD and CloneDVD2. I am not understanding what to do next. I put a dvd into my cd rom and double clicked AnyDVD. I got a listing showing the DVD info but I don't know what to do from there. The help menu is not very helpful. Would you please guide me through these two programs. I have 17 days left on the trial. Thank you for your patience and help.
I just downloaded dvdFab Decrypter to go with AnyDVD. Now I have so many different programs I'm not sure where to start. How do I use these two programs together?
Can anyone tell me how to change the burn speed (which is currently set at maximum) through the program CloneDVD2?I tried to back up using AnyDVD and the CloneDVD2 programs. I couldn't get it to play any video part and only captured some garbled sound. None of my players could launch it. The only thing I noticed is that the burning speed was on maximum. I usually burn at 2.4X. I can't locate the tabletc that will allow me to burn at a slower rate. Anyone know my problem? Thanks in advance for the help, and a special thanks to Res2cue for all the help and suggestions thus far.
hello sassy. I have the best luck ripping from disc to harddrive using dvd decrypter, (with anydvd running in the back ground) Right click your red fox on the bottom right of your pc, & make sure it says "enabled". anydvd connot be used with dvdfab, it will tell you it must be shut down b4 continuing. dvd decrypter is not updated anymore, but is still very valuable to use. imgburn is its new cousin made by the same dude. I haven't used it much because, why mess with success, decrypter rarley fails me. anyways, i then shrink the video using dvdshrink. with some of the new encyptions sometimes shrink will not work until you run it through voblanker. Once voblanker does its thing you are good to go with shrink once again. I use to then go back to decrypter to burn to disk. but somehow i when i installed my new burner which came with nero software, now it automatically burns with nero after shrink completes its process, which works great, so i left it. just make sure you have a blank disc ready in the burner after you ripped to hd. after completeing your back-up make sure yor delete the movie files out of your pc, as they take up an unbeleivable amount of space. using these methods i have nearly a 100% sucsess rate. hope this helps good luck!!