One queston-can someone help figure out how to copy a write protected DVD...i have tried using the DVD dycryter, DVD shrink...DVD clone....and they all give me an error message with Invalid format (b/c its write protected) does anyone have any advise?
Try DVDFABHDDecrypter Insert disk, run program, select 'Main Movie'
ok one more question-thank you for the advise it worked! when i am using the CLoneDVD2 when i get to the end my burner isnt showing up in the window but it was last night...also i tried using the cloning process through the platinum additon of the DVDFAB and it said there isnt enough space on my drive c. what do i need to do? really appreciate the help
Not familiar with these programs. There's a tutorial here. Regarding not enough room on your hard drive, do you have room? If you have been ripping disks there may be a lot of .iso files or dvd folders that need removing.