Hi, I'm new to this so if anyone could explain how to burn dvds with Nero I would appreciate it! I just need to know what should be left checked/unchecked. Also, if I wanted to burn a dvd with all the special features how would this be done? Many thanks in advance!
1) Update your copy of Nero to the latest version (it's a free download) 2)you don't have to check any boxes just choose DVD video from the menu 3)see the pink highlighted link at the top of this, and every, thread? Read a guide or two. If you still have trouble come and ask. There's little point in going over the same questions over and over again
railuak, Me thinks that you may be confusing Nero (a burning program with a ripping and editing program - Nero does the actually burning of the files onto the DVD but currently you'll need a program to prepare your DVD files. To get ready you'll need to rip your original DVD(get rid of that copy write thingy), edit it (rid your backup of all things not needed I.e. foreign languages and things like extra audio files keeping the audio you like I.e. 6 ch. or Dolby 5.1), compress it (get your files small enough so that you can get the trailers you want, Director's cut, special scenes etc.) so that it will fit onto a single DVD-R (4.36GB). Sounds complicated ? Not all that bad - use DVDShrink and you'll be done in a few minutes - THEN you'll need Nero to burn it to your blank media - Since you already have Nero just go here for your FREE DVDShrink - A complete DVDShrink program download and step-by-step guide can be downloaded from – http://www.chrismccann.co.uk/DVD_Shrink_v3_beta5.htm "P"
Hey ScubaPete, thanks a mil for that detailed explanation! Just one more question; can I copy from one disc to another since I have two drives? Thanks again!
Railauk, Yes, if you are making a copy from a copy - it's called "On the fly" chance for errors but generally pretty good - Cannot do it from an original because of that silly copy write thing they put in to ruin our fun - If you are using Nero, you can burn two at the same time if your system is "tweaked up" (running on de excellent side). Hope that helped, Happy Holidays, "P"