burning dvd's

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by upcowboy, Feb 27, 2006.

  1. upcowboy

    upcowboy Guest

    I can only burn on dvd+-rw. I try on dvd+-r blanket then i get a power calibration error can anyone tell me why. When i burn cd it works fine. it is just the blanket dvds that arent workin right

    I have a NEC DVD+-RW ND-6500A
  2. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Wrong room and no multi-posting-forum rules:


    I'll notify a mod to get this moved to proper room and close out your other thread..

    First off, We'll need some info:

    I don't understand your question,probable language barrier?.

    What's a blanket dvd? Do you mean blank dvd?

    Tell us more about what discs work and the ones that give you a power calibration error like:
    Brand name/speed rate/and format? Exact MID codes would help.

    The current firmware version on your NEC 6500A?

    What programs you are using?
    How you are trying to make a backup?

    If blank discs don't work,please explain everything like won't burn/won't play in a player/etc.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2006

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