burning dvds

Discussion in 'Video playback problems' started by elkaiman, Jun 27, 2006.

  1. elkaiman

    elkaiman Guest

    what speed can i burn with no problems cause i have clone dvd and anydvd and i still have freezing
  2. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    Burn speed is determined by several factors:
    1)the quality of the media used
    2)the burner and it's firmware

    Give us a little more information. What manufacture is your burner? Is the firmware up-to-date? What brand of media are you using? What is their rated speed? What is the manufactures code of the media?

    Rule of thumb is to burn at 1/2 the rated speed of quality media.

    If you answer the questions I asked, we'll provide you with more help.
  3. Dunker

    Dunker Regular member

    May 8, 2006
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    That's debatable. First thing to check is your media - is it quality? Als, if you are burning DVD+R, are you CERTAIN that they're being bitset to DVD-ROM? If no, try using DVD-R, which doesn't need to be bitset. And use quality media like Fuji, Taiyo-Yuden, or Verbatim. You may have to try several kinds. The reason I say this is that this usually is why you get freezes. I presume, also, you are not talking about DL media, which can also freeze due to improper layer breaks.

    That said, opinion and experience vary. Many people say 1/2 the maximum speed of the media. Some say never above 4x speed. Some people say 2x or even 1x. Try different speeds and see.

    Keep in mind also that if your DVD player is very old (earlier than 2002 to 2003), that may be the problem too.
  4. elkaiman

    elkaiman Guest

    I'm using a Lite-on Dvdrw- sohw812s, i have a H.P computer XP home
    ed. 512ram i have the latest ed. of clonedvd 2 and anydvd. I use Sony Dvd-R @ 8x i don't have the manuf. code, can't find it or see it ?
  5. elkaiman

    elkaiman Guest

    what if i use sony, memorex, or tdk are they good media for burning cause that taiyo yuden is hard to get in stores and that Verbatim is very expensive
  6. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    The latest version of firmware for you burner is USOS. Check and see what version you have installed.

    I would recommend [bold]against[/bold] Memorex and TDK. Look for Sony or Fuji that are made in Japan. Those will be TY's.

    If you have an Office Depot around you, you can get their brand. They code out as Ritek. A brand of disc favored by many. They also aren't as expensive as TY's. If you catch a sale, you can get a 100 pack for about $20.
  7. elkaiman

    elkaiman Guest

    thanks i will look for these, cause i just saw a sale at compusa in the tampa area, i still have look in my system for that USOS (firmware) thank you
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 28, 2006
  8. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    There are several programs that will tell you what your firmware version is. To just name a few: Nero, DVD Decrypter, DVDInfo.
  9. colw

    colw Active member

    Apr 25, 2004
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    what if i use sony, memorex, or tdk are they good media

    Memorex - horrible
    TDK - average
    Sony - average plus

    You get what you pay for - if you want reliability and quality use better quality brands.

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