I have a CyberHome DVR-1200. I am trying to backup my VHS videos into DVDs. When I stop recording, I get an error message. Then, the recorded DVD+RW, or DVD+R is not recognized. I seem not to have good luck with different brands either. I've tried Memorex, Khypermedia, Office Depot, and Verbatim. Also, the scenes get frozen.
The Cyberhome 1200 is one of the earlier DVD recorders, and it is limited to DVD+R media rated at speeds 8X or slower and DVD+RW media rated at 4X or slower. Unfortunately, these media are hard to find these days. A firmware update could get 16X discs to work if Cyberhome cared, but they don't--they prefer you buy a new recorder from them. Your best option is to look for 4X DVD+RW discs that are still available for recording at 1X. The 8X media are almost impossible to find as factories have moved to producing 16X...and now "20X" discs that will be even less compatible with existing drives and recorders.