i downloaded a game and converted the bin file to iso.... i was wondering if i need a dvd burner to burn the game as it is over 1gb or if i can just use my cd burner? thanks
you didn't need to convert the bin to iso, they're both image formats. if the file is over 1gb then it probalby originated from a dvd or multiple CDs, but if the file isn't broken up you'll probably have to burn it to dvd. if you don't want to burn it to disk, and just play the game, then use daemon tools iso mounter to virtually mount the image as a drive on your computer.
i already tried Daemon tools and it was slowing down my computer way to much. I wasn't sure how to burn it, i am not sure whether i need a dvd burner or am i able to use a cd burner to burn the game which is over 1 gb. i already have the 2 dvd's in which i will burn the information onto. I previously tried to burn the game using the bin to iso method on MAGICISO and it wouldnt let me burn the game onto dvd's using my cd burner. Then i tried to burn the game using Nero... thats why i was wondering wether i needed a dvd burner or i am doing something wrong.
to burn a dvd disc you require a dvd burner. How big was the initial file that you downloaded? What was the source of the file? Can you also give us your pc stats as when you say it was slowing down your pc are you doing other stuff when trying to burn this project.
i just got rid of a lot of old junk on my harddrive so its not slowing down anymore. The file i downloaded was over a gb, so i am not able to burn it using my cd burner?
here we go, like i feel for every one (as i have posted before) [bold]get ISOBuster[/bold] probably one of the best softs out there for disc images, useful for extracting from disc images, extracting from both working and corrupted CD's [bold]get it[/bold]. okay, after you got da soft load the image file, find the sizes of the files, if it matches [bold]your[/bold] required size, no problems, BUT, if it don't we gots anoda issue dont we. well, you have a few options; -mode2 cd (check my created threads) {i'm pretty sure image files are supported in the GUI program} -overburning attempt (check my 115 minutes on a CD-RW thread, you'll be suprised) if this don't help you than i cant help you, read da sig...
andmerr the size of the file before conversion is cd1-582,341kb and cd2-638,527kb.(those files are in .bin format). Am i able to burn them with my cd burner, onto say, a dvd-r or a cd-r?
yes burn each of those separetly onto a CDR. you'll have to open it as an image file with your recording software, don't just drag the file to the CDROM and burn it. why did you combine both bins to one iso in the first place?
i thought that might be the case. Alot of games come as .rar files and when you unrar them they split to 2 folders. These .bin files should also have the relevant cue file with them. Yes you will be able to burn each disc to a cdr, 2 actually Do you have dvd decrypter . If so: 1.open dvd decrypter 2.At the top click the mode button 3.go to iso right function 4 Put a disc in the cd drive 5.Ok under the taba at the very top there is a [bold]SOURCE TAB[/bold] click at the folder end and locate the first of the .bin files folders once you have opened that folder click on the file.You wont neccessarily see the cue file but dont worry about it. 6. Now down the bottom click on the button with the disc (dvd) on it and you will shortly have your 1st half of the project on to disc. 7. do the same for the other disc. It will now be on discs.Put the 1st one in the drive and it should load automatically. have fun andmerr
admerr thanks alot for your help, i just a few quick questions... is there anywhere that i can download a dvd decrypter. and when i do burn the 2 files using my cd burner should i be using dvd-r as they can hold a few gb , or should i just be using a normal cd-r? thanks aloT!!!!
your welcome carmen. As the files will actually fit on 2 cds its easier to just leave them on there. As to a download for dvd decrypter, try the link below http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_rippers/dvd_decrypter.cfm
im sorry i have one more question, it says the file is to big for the cd i am using, should i just use a dvd-r?
i've looked at the stats that you posted.You are using a 2 700meg cdr's right.Do you get this from the pc when you attempt to burn the files
yeah i am using 2 700mb cd's...when i try to burn the bin files my dvd decryptor says there doesnt seem to be enough space on the disc to burn this image. the image size is 253,563 and the disc size is 250,320. Then it says would u like to continue anyway? so im not sure what to do? thanks
andmerr, yeah i am using 2 700mb cd's...when i try to burn the bin files my dvd decryptor says there doesnt seem to be enough space on the disc to burn this image. the image size is 253,563 and the disc size is 250,320. Then it says would u like to continue anyway? so im not sure what to do? thanks linking48- i am not sure what your asking? can u make yourself more specific?
carmen what your initial explanation stated on the size of the files was over 1 gig, but the last post has it as roughly 500meg.If the program you are using is saying that there is not enough room, then you will need to either have a larger cdr, e.g. 800meg or use the dvdr discs.I reckon just go straight to dvd r and see how you go.
@linkin48: instead oftrying to hijack this thread why not start your own and then we can see if we can assist you.