I have several small documentaries (each about 1 gig in size) and I want to burn them all onto the one DVD disk. Can this be done using NERO? If so, how do I do it? I have used DVD shrink for each of the files. I then tried to rename the VTS files but that didnt work.
if that means shrink will open the files then you can use the reauthor function and use the dvd browser to drag file 1 into your window, then use dvd browser to drag file 2 over and so on. Then click backup and shrink will turn it into 1 movie
For some reason DVD shrink freezes every time I try and do that. A friend told me this can all be done in NERO, and that nero can change the VT files but everytime I try it it doesnt seem to work. Does anyone know if it can be done using nero? Or am I doing something wrong with DVD shrink?