burning moves

Discussion in 'Copy DVD to DVDR' started by ronnieb46, Aug 27, 2006.

  1. ronnieb46

    ronnieb46 Member

    Jan 8, 2005
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    I use 1 click and DVD43 my problem is i can coppy to my computer but when i try to burn it eather burns 80% 0r 2% and gives me and erra message . Does any one have and idea of what cause this.
  2. backup

    backup Guest

    hi ronnie first what version of 1click are you using and also dvd43 ?? if you can post a log theat would be great , you can access the log by pressing one of the Fkeys i think it might be f8 f9 f10 LOL cant remember , then just copy and paste the text here ...

    it could be media related but most proberly the need of a cprx update

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