I have a movie I have in .avi format. When i run it in Nero Vision Express 2 (updated) and when i get everything setup and set to burn it will bring up a dialog saying that the movie contains more PAL than NTSC and if id like to continue it with NTSC or PAL. I tried the NTSC and it wont work at all in my DVD player, yet will play on my computer (of course would have figured that) somewhere between converting it to NTSC and my DVD player is messed up. Are there any simple yet efficient PAL to NTSC converters for avi files and mpg files? And would anyone know how to solve the issue im having with what all happened in the conversion Nero VE 2 did to the DVD i burned?
Hi, TMPGEnc is a wonderful program the will convert AVI to either NTSC or PAL, whichever you need at the moment
I kinda sorta forgot the link http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_tools/tmpgenc.cfm