hi briony to get better and faster responses,you need to give more info in your posts,what type of burner you have,how much hard drive you have,what kind if any burning programs you have etc.From what little youve said so far,im not even sure you have a burner.Assuming you do have a dvd burner,there are several methods,some free, some not. free.. dvd shrink, but you need some type of burning software,like nero,trial version available,this is the combo that i use without fail,so simple even for us n00bs. free..dvd decrypter,includes a writing tool,but if the dvd is too big, youll need something like dvd2one,not free. not free...dvdxcopy, clone dvd,and many more too numerous to mention. Im fairly new here so im sure theres more programs and combo's i havent mentioned.theres lots of very helpful,friendly people here willing to help,so from one newbie to another,you need give more info! welcome to the club,and enjoy your stay happy trails jim_dandy
Thanks Jim, The only thing I need to know now really is where I can pick up a trial version of Nero. Thx Briony
ok whew,that was alot of wasted typing. http://www.nero.com/us/suite.html there ya go happy trails jim
Thx, Your typing wasn't wasted by the way, but as a REAL beginner, it doesn't always mean anything to me. My OS is XP professional, I do have a DVD burner, all I lack is software an experience. Thx for the info Briony
ok that link didnt work, try www.nero.com lesson to be learned...please be more specific in the future jim
dvd shrink guide for the newbies http://www.dvdshrink.info/guides.php all the guides you need to backup your dvd's including how to burn with nero. ok i think im done stuttering now ha ha ha again welcome to club jim
dvd shrink guide for the newbies http://www.dvdshrink.info/guides.php all the guides you need to backup your dvd's including how to burn with nero. if you need one that doesnt move ..http://www.chrismccann.co.uk/dvd_shrink_3.htm ok i think im done stuttering now ha ha ha wow i guess im not done stuttering..geezz again welcome to club jim