I recently downloaded Utorrent and downloaded movies but I'm so new to this. I don't know how to burn the movies onto a DVD. My computer came with Roxio and I've tried several times to burn movies but I keep getting an error message on my DVD player when I try to check them. It says UNKNOWN. I have a divx DVD player so it is able to play burned movies but I'm not sure that I'm burning them correctly. I know nothing about converting files or whatnot. Please help.
I use ConvertXtoDVD by VSO software to convert files to DVD, it'll burn them too. You can download it from here. Download ConvertXtoDVD http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/ Heres a guide. ConvertXtoDVD AfterDawn guide http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/...todvd_guide.cfm The free version leaves a watermark (just a small icon saying VSO Software) in the corner, if purchased this will go away. In my opinion this is the best tool for the job.
Case: Discussion about pirated content and piracy, such as converting (downloaded) video and/or audio files to DVD/AudioCD/whatever format. PERMITTED