I have been using MusicMatch (version 10...before musicmatch was bought by Yahoo) and Windows Media Player to burn my mp3 CDs and Audio CDs. When I burn the tracks to a disc the audio is burned fine, but my CD player in my car will not display the artist nor the track title. Does anyone know how to burn the mp3 tags with the audio file?
Hello Could you tell me the name of the program you used. I am also having trouble burning the song titles along with the audio. Thanks Joe
Burrrn is the name of the program that i used to burn the CD text. When the program launches, there is a large white space where the tracks go. when you put song files in there, just rename the files under the column "Name" and whatever appears there is what your CD player will display (if your CD player supports that feature). to get Burrrn click here
Thank You. I tried burrrn. I clicked add then clicked on the song I wanted and it showed up on the burrrn track list. I then burned the cd and it plays fine, but the song titles were not burned in. Do I have to do anything else after I click on the song and it shows up in the burrrn track area. Thanks Joe
after you open Burrrn, click on settings. another window will pop up with three tabs. in the general tab, where it says writer, select your burner and make sure that the CD-TEXT check box is checked. i also have SPTI checked, but not the RAW DRIVER check box.
Thank You. I had those boxes checked. When I look at the burned CD contents in Windows Explorer shouldn't I see the song titles instead of track 1 etc.? Thanks Joe
well, when you put your burned cd into the computer and look at the tracks in "My Computer" you will not see the track titles. the only time you will see the track titles is when you put it into a cd player that is capable of displaying the track title. a car stereo would be an example.
I never used ITunes for that and I will upgrade to 7.3. Does that mean I would have to move the songs I wanted to burn from the my music folder to the ITunes library? By the way I would like to thank everyone for all the help I have received with this topic. This forum has been absolutely great. Joe
No, you won't have to move your songs into a specific folder. In iTunes, create a new playlist and drag the files you want to burn into the playlist. Make sure you have not gone past 80 min of audio. In preferences go to advanced, burning and check that cd text is checked. Burn the disc. http://blog.smalldog.com/article/800/burn-itunes-audio-cd-with-text sorry for the late reply