Wonder how to burn several dvds to one dvdr. looking to do soporanos and family guy. they come 3 eposides to a disk but i should be able to fit more that 3 on a dvdr. do i have to encode and compress with Shrink and then burn using nero seeing how may will fit on a dvdr. if that is the case, will there be individual menus to each chapter/episode or do i have to do that specifically in nero. more or less wanting to know will the episodes play right after each other or will i be able to select each episode. THanks Again
Here you go, http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/66894 http://users.pandora.be/rudy.stremersch/joinclip.html http://www.doom9.org/index.html?/mpg/dvdshrink31-multidisc.htm http://users.skynet.be/contra/dvddouble.htm Just to mention a few ways of how this can be done. Choose yourself which method suits your needs. Hope this helps!