Burning Music to CD

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by lauzzie, Jan 6, 2006.

  1. lauzzie

    lauzzie Guest

    Could someone please step me through the process to copying music from my computer to a CD. I am finding it difficult but I am sure there is a very easy sequence. Also once you have burnt onto a CD-R does that mean that you can no longer put anymore music onto that CD. Am I better off using re-writables. How many songs approx. does a CD hold. Any help would be appreciated as I am new to this. Just for your info I Windows Media Player, I-River Software and my daughter uses I-Tunes. Thanks heaps.
  2. BIGnewb

    BIGnewb Guest

    okay if you buy a cd-r or cd-rw it says 700mb 80 mins now you get to choose wat u want to do if you have a cd playr mp3 compatable then make mp3 cd if not just make audio cd which holds around 20 songs.burn with nero express.
  3. lauzzie

    lauzzie Guest

    Thanks I will try Nero and let you know how I go. My daughter uses I-Tunes for her I-Pod and wants to know if you can also burn with I-Tunes. Also, just say I only put 5 songs on a disk, can I go back later and add more and keep adding until its full.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2006
  4. BIGnewb

    BIGnewb Guest

    no but just get the songs off itunes and burn to cd using nero
  5. lauzzie

    lauzzie Guest

    What about adding more songs later. Can I do that or do I have to fill the disk up all at once.
  6. BIGnewb

    BIGnewb Guest

    if you get a rewritable cd(cd-rw)then you can delete the files on the cd using nero and then put new ones in but regular cd-r wont do it
  7. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    as long as the cdr disk is not finalized(closed) than can keep adding to disk till full than finalize.
  8. lauzzie

    lauzzie Guest

    Thanks ddp. Can i actually play the disk in a CD Player when it hasnt been finalised.
  9. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    depends on the cd player. try 1 not finalized & if not work than finalized but can't add anymore to cd.
  10. dawntime

    dawntime Member

    Nov 6, 2004
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    I'm having the same questions as lauzzie as am in the process of learning to burn a mp3 cd. Is the quality of a R better than a RW?
    I'm using I-Tunes and wonder if I will be given the option of "finalizing?"
  11. kiss161

    kiss161 Guest

    do not go over 700mb or 80 min in less you get a biger disks

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