Hello! I've been experiencing strange problems burning DVD's lately. Everytime I burn a DVD+R, burning goes smooth and at around 90-95%, it suddenly stops - both the DVD drive and hard disk drive stop blinking and my PC hangs, and in some occasions restart. I thought it would be Nero, but the same occurs in Roxio as well. Around 3 out of 7 discs burned fine. But before my drive (Sony DRU-820A) has never failed on me. I also want to point out that the problem first spawned with an "Could Not Perform End Of Disc-At-Once Error". After burning succeeding discs, it usually gets stuck at around 90-95%. What could be the cause of this? I doubt its the discs because I can burn the Imation discs on my laptop. Also I tried burning a BenQ and it stopped at around 90-95% as well. So 2 different brands of DVD+R failed. Before things used to be ok. Here's a log of the latest burn. Since my PC hanged around 90%, I had to take out the disc manually just to save the log file. On a side note, before when I used to burn DVD's - PowerBurn activates. Now I don't see it. Hope someone can help me out. Thanks!
Not very good disks at all, although it looks like ur burner read them, but the media could be the problem. Here is a firmware update for ur burner that might help with the disks u r using and burning a such a high speed. http://forum.rpc1.org/dl_firmware.php?download_id=2237 WAY too fast for those type of blank media, better to burn at half of the top rated speed this is what i would do to see whats the problem. 1. try burning at a lower speed, 4x,6x,8x i wouldn't go higher than this. 2. Try updating ur firmware. 3. if all that fails, then its the blank media, best media u can use is Verbatims, or Taiyo Yudens. 4. also i saw u burning an ISO file with nero, IMO, ImgBurn is way better at burning ISO's than nero, i only would burn Video_ts folders with Nero. http://www.imgburn.com/index.php?act=download
Thats very scary. I'll do that as a last resort. Thanks! I'll definately try that. Thank you so much! I'll also try that ImgBurn if I have trouble. Your post was very very informative. Thank you so much again!