Is there a drive you need in your computer to be able to burn Ps3 Games? Or will a dvd burner do it? I know you need a Blu-Ray disc though. But Using a blu-ray disc and a dvd burner will i be able to burn PS3 games? Also is there a special program i need to use to do so? When i download PS2 Games i use Alchohol 120% and my dvd burner to put PS2 games on a DVD. So could i just download a PS3 game from a torrent site, Use Alchohol 120%, and burn image with my DVD burner onto a Blu-Ray disc?
Its not possible to burn PS3 games. You would need a Blu-Ray burner which would cost between $550.00 to $800.00. Blank media would cost between $17.00 to $20.00 per blank disc
I think we'll see a HDLOADER/HDAdvanced type ap where you can copy games to the HDD within the system itself