Burning reign over me

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by rgh, Oct 10, 2007.

  1. rgh

    rgh Member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    Can't seem to burn this DVD using DVDFab HD Decrypter, goes half way and pops up with an an error. I had FAB 3208 Beta & then downloaded the new
    3210 still does the same thing. Downloaded the trial version of Any DVD along with Clone dvd, it went half way and also stopped with an error.
    ANy one else have this problem. With DVDfab I havent had any problems for several months with any DVD I copied. It has always worked. Any one else have any problems?
  2. DakotaFan

    DakotaFan Regular member

    Oct 4, 2005
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    What is the error you're getting?
    It could be the disc itself. Even though there may not be any visible scratches, it may be a bad press. If that's the case, the disc simply will not rip no matter what you try. You'll have to get another original.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2007
  3. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    I don't think this movie had anything special. Done perfectly using anydvd and clone
  4. rgh

    rgh Member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    Follow up, one thing I read if it is a bad disk it may well play in a regular DVD player but might not play in the DVD player/burner in a computer. Thats exactly what happened, I put the disk in to see what would happen & It stopped about 1/2 way thru in my HP laptop DVD player saying it was a bad disk. I went back and got a new one and it the new one was worked with DVD Shrink & DVD Decrypter. Since it had Sony on the package I was sure it was some code because of Sony earlier problems / Revolution Studios. Lately if Shrink doesn't see a DVD or if it say's it can't run (error) I use DVD Fab & then Shrink then DVD Decrypter and it has worked flawlessly on all DVD'S. Another question, I don't seem to see much in the forums about DVD problems anymore, am I looking in the wrong place?
  5. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    i had noticed that lately, very quiet on the new movie front; gets that way though, every now and then a movie comes out that for some reason everyone on Earth has trouble with, either for no reason at all, or sometimes there's a new protection that has people stumped
  6. 11bravo

    11bravo Member

    Oct 22, 2005
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    This movie is not protected. I have AnyDVD, but I used Ripit4me ver movie and menu. Burner type Lite-on SHM-165H6S 16x. It has been quiet lately like Creaky stated.

  7. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    oh it might not be protected by anything new, but trust me.. there is encryption on there!
  8. orion6192

    orion6192 Member

    Oct 16, 2006
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    I was able to pull the disk fine using DVDFABHD - where I get the error is VobBlanker - It errors out on me around VOB 13. Have got around it. I use it to remove the junk and only keep what I want.

    Any thoughts?
  9. blivetNC

    blivetNC Regular member

    Nov 8, 2005
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    AnyDVD and CloneDVD no problem backing up Reign Over Me.
    As far as new protection, my money is on the issuance of the big 3 summer movies, Spiderman3, Pirates 3 and Shrek 3. The studios will try to stymie us once again to help with the holiday rush. Remember Madagascar?
  10. rgh

    rgh Member

    Jan 29, 2005
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  11. rgh

    rgh Member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    I use DVD Shrink & the DVD Decrypter
    If Shrink doesn't see the DVD as happens at times or if say's it has encountered a problem I do the following and haven't had any problems with any DVD I have tried.
    DVD FabHD Decrypter then DVD Shrink and then Shrink opens DVD Decrypter automatically. These methods haven’t failed me. The reason I had trouble with reign was a bad disk, not any program I was using.
  12. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    you certainly cause yourself alot of extra work.

    this movie can be done with dvdfab HD decrypter alone, if there is problems doing it the problem is not with the software. Burning with a decrypter is not the answer.

    Try imgburn for an easier backup. And get better quality than burning with decrypter.
  13. rgh

    rgh Member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    I have the free version of DVDFab HD Decrypter. Can you copy using that program, or do I need the Platinum version? If I can do this with the free version where can I find the setup guide.

    Thanks for the info
  14. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    you can use it to rip the disc to your harddrive, then burn with your choice of buring programs. eg: imgburn, clonedvd, nero ect...
  15. rgh

    rgh Member

    Jan 29, 2005
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    "you certainly cause yourself alot of extra work.

    this movie can be done with dvdfab HD decrypter alone, if there is problems doing it the problem is not with the software. Burning with a decrypter is not the answer.

    Try imgburn for an easier backup. And get better quality than burning with decrypter."

    The file I have left after using DVDFab is 7.33GB so I have to use a program to reduce it or I can't get it onto a disk. DVD Shrink takes it to 4.19GB so I can burn it with what ever program. I do have Nero 6 but since DVD Shrink opens DVD Decrypter automatically I have just gone with that.

    After I use DVD Fab I then take the disk out put in a blank then start DVD Shrink and it automatically opens DVD Decrypter when it’s done then after that I have a new disk.

    You mentioned imgburn, will it take the file left after DVDFab strips it to 7.33GB and compress it to 4.19GB then burn it, if so it would reduce my efforts by one step from what I do now. I don’t always have to use DVDFab, only when DVD Shrink can’t see the disk or will not run or stops usually during the analysis process.
  16. res2cue

    res2cue Guest

    not exactly sure what was going through my head on that last post... sort of anyways... So, you can (if you choose) take shrink and decrypter out of the equation. It's my opinion that they are dated programs that are at the end of their useful life. Great programs and in their day were top notch. Fortunately newer programs are still being supported, dvdfabHD decrypter being top of the class in free software. You stated you have Nero, you can run the file in that program and it will compress and burn. For whatever reason when I suggested imgburn I must have been in DL mode, because in my opiniin that is the best program for burning to a DL. So back to compression, you could save time and disc space by using Nero, or clonedvd.... but that is a pure personal preference.

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