i just installed 250 gig hd and xecuter 3 ce and fired it up and it acually smelled like it was on fire , turned off right away, was getting a flashing red and green led light , led on the bank panel hd was blue and xecuter logo was red. please help , all this work and nothing flashes green twice at start up thanks
figured out what i did , i pluged the power to the chip into the 5v v1.6 only spot ....oops. now it won't do anything at all when i plug it in. did i screw it up for good now???? thanks for the help
its a miracle , i got it to work , flashed and all, i had to keep it plugged into 5v v1.6 only , only way it will start up. everything works except for kind of a big thing , the power and load and eject buttons won't work . NOW WHAT , man if i woulda just put it in the right one in the first place . any help out there, thanks a bunch