burning subtitles.........

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by rampantis, May 29, 2004.

  1. rampantis

    rampantis Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Jes wondering if anybody can help with a small problem: basically how do you burn a movie to CD (VCD) that includes subtitles when the subtitles are contained in a separate file?

    I'm using Nero StartSmart and have tried simply dragging the file onto Nero.......No joy obviously. Different burning software?

    Any help much appreciated.
  2. Praetor

    Praetor Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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  3. aldaco12

    aldaco12 Active member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    My suggestion is to use Virtualdub to load the subtitle in the movie, then TMPGnenc to convert the .AVI into a .MPG (with some care).

    You're lucky! I am right now writing a nice small tutorial about it, so far without figures and not uploaded.
    Try it, I hope it may help.



    We suppose that you have:
    - a movie (.MPG/.AVI)
    - its subtitles (the most common formats are .SUB (MicroDVD, an ASCII file
    which shows only subtitle and frames) and .SRT (Subrip, an ASCII file
    which shows and the time at which the subtitle appears), by default are 23.976 FPS.
    - some good .MPG codec (e.g. Divx;).

    The applications you need are:
    - BSplayer
    - TMPGenc
    - Virtualdub
    - VCDeasy
    - SUBtools
    - SSAconverter
    - WinMPG

    The main problem is VCDeasy, that must be registered or it will be uneless after about
    a month. Check it and decide (I don't like Nero, read the (S)VCD forum and you'll find
    that it has some bad and unpleasant problem).

    First: on some movies (very little .AVI, in my experience), TMPGenc canot load the audio
    from the AVI.Therefore, you should start WinMPG, choose 'AVI to MPG' and go. After
    about a couple of hours ~140' it will finish; the resulting movie will be ugly (for
    unregistered users, after 10 conversions) but the audio will be OK and usable by

    Second: use BSplayer and 'taste' (Load) the movie: it will show the size and (important)
    the fps of the movie.

    Sometime (rarely, but less than 'source audio unsupported by TMPGenc')
    the audio is out-of sync. You must:
    - load the file (the WinMPG output, if TMPGenc cannod load the.MPG audio)
    - with Virtualdub AUDIO_SOURCE AUDIO, File_extract WAV
    + (i.e.) if the audio is out-of-sync 4": do in Virtualdub Video_Select Range:
    4000 ms - end and, in few minutes, you'll have 5'10" a (large ~600 MB) .WAV

    Third: you must choose. If the movie must be resized (e.g. if you need a 4/3 movie
    and the dimension are bad) or the FPS of the movie is NOT 23.976, 24, 25, 29.97 or 30
    FPS, start TMPGenc. Otherwise jump the next section and go directly to Step Fourth (or,
    now, Third: Subtools).

    TMPGenc. At the beginning, a Wizard will start. Choose the settings you need
    (NTSC, PAL, VCD/SVCD and so on) then set the special settings (press Settting, the 1st
    button at the end of the main screen).
    By default, the Stream Type should be: System (video+audio).
    Special settings:
    - motion search precision: Highest 'quality' ('very slow': 3 hrs time for a Pentium III
    and a movie of about 1h) or, you have few time, just 'High quality' ('slow', about 1,5
    hrs time withthe same hypotesis as before)
    - advanced: Video arrange method: Center (keep aspect ratio): 318x260 pixels
    and (if needed): Clip Frame (my favorite is: N Right and N Left, you choose. In this
    way, for very large movies, you will lose the side and (if you choosed "Center (keep
    aspect ratio)" as Video arrange method, the movie heigth will encrease, otherwise you'll
    have a black border).
    This because the TV 'loses' about 10% of the screen: 318x260 is the 90% of 352x288.

    The frame rate of the movie (it's important!!) is automatically set by the wizard:
    NTSC is 29.97 FPS, NTSC Film is 23.976 FPS, PAL is 25 FPS, the type of the MPG is
    type-1 for VCD and type-2 for SVCD and VCD.
    To keep thing simple, do: Save Project (TPR file, main menu, File__Save Project)
    with a proper name so you can use it again (changing just the Source: it's very simple.
    Just push 'Browse' in the Video source (end of the main screen).

    Fourth (or Third): Subtools__Load Subtitle. Output Format: Subrip. Convert. Input
    format: 23.976 FPS (by default: they come from NTSC movies), output format: 25 FPS. The
    output is a .SRT which matches 90% with the .MPG. If needed do Synchronize: you choose
    the output FPS and the seconds (from -30 to +30) you need. You can go on many times to
    change more seconds. Subtools will change the last file you have created. If needed, you
    can Correct the subtitles: l->I, 'remove space between numbers' 1 0 -->10, !.->!, ?.->!,

    Step Fifth (or Fourth): use BSPlayer to 'test' your subtile: after opening the movie, you
    can choose the 2nd button (the central of the three at the left of the main screen) and
    load the sutitle. My advice is to check at the beginning of the movie AND at its end,
    to recognize if a wrong FPS caused a loss of sync at the end of the movie.

    Sixth: SSAConverter. You convrt the .SRT into a .SSA file. My favorite setting is:
    1. If you've converted the .MPG with TMPGenc (the .MPG won't be resized):
    Font: Arial 16 Coulor: primary->White. Subtitles position (default):
    Orizzontal: center. Vertical: Down.
    2. If you didn't convert it: same, but Font; Arial 18 (it will resized 90% later).

    Seventh: Virtualdub. Load the MPG. video filters_subtitler YOUR_FILE.ssa
    video compression: use Divx; if you have if (configure it and the highest Encoding
    bitrate, keep the remaining as default: variable bitrade mode: 1-pass)
    Audio: Source audio and (if needed, i.e. to synchronize) Full processing mode.
    Another Video compression you can use is Intel Video R3.2, for example.
    Save AS AVI (F12).
    You will obtain an .AVI file, depending on the PC/codec you have, in 35'(or 3h, more
    time is needed with Intel Video R3.2)

    Eighth: TMPGenc (again): the .AVI must turn into a .MPG. If you didn't do Step Third
    (and this is therefore step Seventh) repeat step Third. Otherwise, DO NOT ARRANGE the
    clip and leave it as it is, or you will reduce another 10% (overall 20%) your movie.
    Again,if you've time, Motion search precision: Highest quality (very slow) is my
    favorite. Usual time (see before, step Third) needed.

    Now you have the correct .MPG! We're almost finished!

    Start VCDEasy. Choose if you want a VCD 2.0 (interacive) or a SVCD (VCD type: VCD 2.0
    or SVCD). At the 1st screen (1st button in the left column). Push 'Add file' and load
    your .MPG. In a few time it will load the movie. Go to 'Chapters' (Top line, third
    buttton) and Set 'create a chapter every...00:05:00:00 ___ OK). Now every time you fast
    skip your movie you will jump 5' forward.
    Press GO. If you chooosed, in the 'Main' screen, a burner name (and if it accepts
    CDRDAO, go to VCDeasy site and check, if you are not sure) you have to wait that the
    program builds the image AND record the disc. Otherwise, you will end with a .CUE/.BIN
    set you can burn with the program you like (CDRWin, Nero, Alcohol 120%...). Low speed
    is, for safety, the best.
    After all, haven't you lost hours in doing this? Won't be 20' a problem, now?

    You've done!!! Congratulations!!

    _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Read forum rules!
    Last edited: May 29, 2004
  4. rampantis

    rampantis Member

    May 29, 2004
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    Much appreciated aldaco, haven't had a chance to put into action yet but i'll let you know how goes!

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