using the latest nero, when I try to load vob files into video ts folder and try to burn tells me DVD video compliance test failed. Ther resulting video may be unplayable. Help please
Thats because you need more than just the .vob files. You also need .ifo and .bup files. About the quickest and easiest way to do this, since you have Nero, is to use NeroVision Express 2. "Make a DVD movie". You can just load your .vobs into that by "add video files". Just follow it step by step. and when you get ready to burn you can choose your HDD or a disc. Make sure you look at the "more" menu that is availible on most of the screens. You may not want a menu and that is where you de-select it. It's on by default. Here is the homepage for NVE 2 tutorials, you are making a basic DVD so look at that one first if you want. Good luck and welcome to AfterDawn! Frank