I have downloaded Warcraft 3 for PC, and its contents ONLY consist of 3 ISO images and a text README document. I also have Alcohol 120, so do I basically just burn all the ISOs using that program? Or do I have to do something else in order to burn it successfully?
ISO are image formats, so all you need is a burning program, like nero. open the image file and burn. alcohol should be able to do the same
Being that you already have Alcohol 120, you should be more then half way to a perfect back up copy already! With your Orig. copy of Warcraft 3 in your read drive ready and waiting goto IMAGE MAKER: set your read speed from 6 to 12X ( the lower the better ) In the lower corner were it says DATATYPE: set it to SECUROM*NEW(V4.x/5x) Hit start an thats it, this will give you a perfect Image to Copy to disk! PS: Before you start make sure Alcohol 120 settings are all RESET TO DEFAULT!!! Good Luck!!!