To start, I have not burned a dvd yet. I have ripped into folders Video_TS and Audio_TS. The files created are video_ts.bup,vts and ifo. I open roxio 7 and try to use create new dvd and dvd builder, but roxio won't recognize the files when I try to import. Do I burn these using data disk? Do these files need to be changed by another program first? I don't know if I have simply overlooked something in roxio or what I need to do. I have several movies I need to back up due to kids misuse. Any help is appreciated.
download dvd shrink and dvd decrypter. then read this guide at the backup step, under target device, select burn with dvd decrypter. DONT use Roxio!
ROXIO will work all you need to do is open classic cd creator and copy the files as data files(AUDIO_TS & VIDEO_TS). I have back up 20 movies using this method with no coasters. Just remember to use good blank media MAXELL IS GREAT.
JR719 you are just using the wrong program with Roxio. Do not use DVD BUILDER you need to use Classic CD Creator you should have this option with roxio 7 Im using roxio 6. Try what I've explained above before spending any money.
Thank you all. I used roxio under data, but left the disk open, my fault. I am experimenting with shrink and dvd decrypter. Seems like good programs, just have to read all the tutorials. Thank you.
Look all you need to do is shrink your movie with dvd shrink and then burn it using roxio. After using shrink you will have a folder with two files in it (AUDIO_TS & VIDEO_TS). Copy these files as data files. Do you need step by step just let me know. Also let me know how things turn out. Do you live in the US?