Burning xbox game

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by Wizer, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. Wizer

    Wizer Member

    Nov 15, 2004
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    I’m having a problem putting together a torrent xbox game. I can’t seem to figure out what I need to use to reassemble it. The files consist of “r-bnwbt001” through “r-bnwbt034” with an “r-bnwbt.par2” and a “r-bnwbt.swv”. I also seem to have made the mistake of associating some of them with winrar. If some one knows what I need to do could you please explain. I have searched everywhere have not found anything close help me solve this.

  2. dpthegr8

    dpthegr8 Member

    Nov 28, 2004
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    Well I might have some good news for you my friend. I actually just successfully burned my first xbox(bittorrent) game today. Now you probably finished downloading your game and opened the folder to find about 75 Winrar Archives, probably a system information file, and maybe some text documents or html shortcuts. DON'T WORRY-- It's not as scary as it looks. Just go to the first winrar archive you see(or any winrar archive really), right-click on it and select the "extract here" option. Now after a couple tedious minutes waiting for it to extract, go down to the bottem of the folder. You should see a winrar archive that's significantly larger than the rest(probably at least a Gig or more, depending on the game). Move that single archive to your desktop or somewhere where you won't confuse it with the others. Now, you need a current version of Nero. Launch Nero Express. Select the "Disk Image or Saved Project" option. Now it'll bring up a window for you to opt a compilation to burn. Now find that winrar archive that I had you move to the desktop(or wherever you could find it). Select it, run through the blah blah blah screens until you get to the final screen(the "NEXT" button turns into the "BURN" button). Hit "burn" (duh) and your disk drive should open and tell you to put in a dvd. Put it in. Wait for it to do it's thing, and FINALLY!!!! YOU'VE GOT A FRIGGIN' XBOX GAME!!!!!
  3. PG2115

    PG2115 Regular member

    Dec 13, 2004
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    WHAT?????????????? Can you send me a message at PG2115 on AIM. THX
  4. dpthegr8

    dpthegr8 Member

    Nov 28, 2004
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    what's up, I don't mess with AIM. I think that shit sucks. If you want, get yahoo messenger and get at me. my sn is dpizle84.

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