burnning downloaded files to vcd

Discussion in 'CD-R' started by maddbeatz, Oct 30, 2004.

  1. maddbeatz

    maddbeatz Member

    Jul 31, 2004
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    am very new to burning anything other than a standard music disc. I have been using bit tornado for a bit now and have some really good files I would like to convert to VCD or anything I can play on my standalone DVD player. I have created full movies on DVD-R with ISO files on 1 disc as well as shorter length VCDs 1 disc. My big issue is this. A lot of the movies I have are in AVI format and are already split into 2 discs. Fine!! I have settled for having to burn movies onto two discs but......usually both of the files are still a little to big for one disk. They are usually marked as anywhere from 650-720 Mb, but Nero says they are too large to fit. I have been reading about overburning techniques and maybe this is the answer or is it to change the format of the file. Is Nero the problem?? Also i am wondering if you can burn multiple of these files onto DVD-R because I think they hold about 4.7 GB. i have spent hours searching forums and guides and have slowly been learning through trial and error. I am tired of downloading software and visiting sites that want to sell me software. I know these quesions have been asked before but I am in need of someones personal experience

  2. maddbeatz

    maddbeatz Member

    Jul 31, 2004
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    Doesn't anybody have any input on this

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