Burnt Kinect Games Mashup.

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by sevenel, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. sevenel

    sevenel Member

    Nov 18, 2009
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    Gooday guys, just need alittle personal help, have tried searching the forums and have read many threads but just need direct advice channelled at my situation.

    I have 2 xboxes, one an arcade which is unmodded and used to play games online and one with an origional hard drive which is modded to play burnt games. I swap the one harddrive between the two consoles dependent on whether I want to play real games online or ripped games offline.

    I havent had my modded xbox flashed for quite some time (didn't do it myself, paid someone too) and have been using a boot disk for quite some time also. This has worked fine until my latest attempt. Usually I borrow games from a video store and burn them whih has always worked perfectly. But i recently purchased the kinnect. I downloaded kinect sports via torrent afew weeks ago which works via the boot disk but my latest download, Dance Central does not (burnt twice to rule out bad burning). When the console is turned on it sais it needs an update and to connect to xbox live (which i obviously cannot due to it being banned)
    I than insert the boot disk anyway which boots as normal but when dance central is incerted it sais i need the update, skipping that notification and clicking on play game on the dashboard brings an unreadable disk message.

    Will getting this update somehow (I've seen posts via usb?) fix the problem or does the problem lie in a new wave or the 2.5 as i've read.

    Any insight will be appreciated.

    Thankyou, oh also both are benq drives. I use verbatium disks too.
  2. sevenel

    sevenel Member

    Nov 18, 2009
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    Or even if there is a newer boot disk that will run the games???

    Any help at all really appreciated, am holding a christmas party tonight so want to get dance central up and running! haha.

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