hey... i just recently tried to backup a copy of Burnout Revenge from the video shop ... i used DVD Decrypter and it worked, but when i go to play it on the burnt disc the game keeps freezing every 2 seconds. why ?? i tried the slowest writing speed but that didnt work. Is it some sort of protection device.. do i need better quality discs...or is my burner just s#%* ?
Hi, Before recommending you better quality discs, you could please provide the brand your using, if possible download dvd identifier to provide media code (dvd identifier is dowloadable here at afterdawn). It is very probbable that if your using cheap or bad quality media even if you burned at a very slow speed, you would have a bad quality burn, resulting in most cases the problem you get above. So as a first step towards solving the problem, please provide us with at least media brand.