Buying a New DS

Discussion in 'Nintendo DS' started by hack01, Dec 10, 2007.

  1. hack01

    hack01 Regular member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    I have a few questions since I am new to the DS side. I have a few systems mod already w/games(PSP,XBOX360),but dont know much on how to mod a DS. I just asking for tutorials on how to get the games to play on the DS,and what I need as to the memory card,programs ect.. All replys will be thankful for.
  2. juniR

    juniR Guest

    You don't mod the DS - you just need any one of a few cartridges. The R4 and the M3 Simply are the cheapest, simplest and most polular solutions (but not the only ones). Both are pretty much the same and both need a micro SD memory card and a 1Gb card will store maybe 20 games on average for you... 2Gb twice as many.

    I have a PSP and if you, like me, are happy with all the PSP offers then the R4 (the cart I have with a 2Gb micro SD) is prolly right for you as between the 2 machines you have everything covered imho.
  3. hack01

    hack01 Regular member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    I have a PSP also,but the DS is for my kid. Can you back up the games or do I have to get them off the net like isohunt or somewhere like that.
  4. juniR

    juniR Guest

    Yeah you can get the games off the net... you can back 'em up of course cos that's how they end up on the net - but I dunno what you need for that lol
  5. hack01

    hack01 Regular member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    Do youy know if the games have to be the same way as the PSP games look when you get them? And do you have to make any folders in the DS card to have it play the backups
  6. juniR

    juniR Guest

    erm - I assume you are referring to the PSP using ISO & CSO files in the ISO folder of a PSP running custom firmware. The DS is easier to mess with hehe..

    The R4 & DS Simply are both very easy to use - just drag the game file (.nds) onto the memory card and put the card in the cartridge. Insert the cartridge into the DS - boot up etc. choose the game from the menu. I think you may be able to store the games in sub-folders tho I don't bother. You can also play music files such as mp3s and converted videos, run some homebrew programs etc.
  7. hack01

    hack01 Regular member

    Feb 17, 2006
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    thanks. I just want the games for her and it would be great.Do you know somewhere cheap to find the R4 and the M3? Do you know if they something like that @ any store or just online?
  8. juniR

    juniR Guest

    Online is gonna be your best bet and you'll just have to search I'm afraid - depends where you live & how fast you want one.

    I wouldn't know where to start if I was looking for a local store that would carry them.

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