Hey all I been out of town for a while on me Hol's and now im back the Box is off altogether :-( anyway I knew it was coming so no massive suprise. The thing is where is the best place to buy the s*arview 6 and is it easy to get hold of and put firmware on, set up and is it all working fine ? I live in the North-East of England (Hartlepool). Thanks for your time. Keep up the good work on these forums its great ;-).......
if your in the uk why not go for the new kryptview a780 ,as the channels come free where as with the starview you will be charged for the channels ,and the starview wont open channels after 12 months .there are quite a few good threads on here about both boxes you should read them before buying.
true both boxes come connected to the server for free, but after 12 months you are ment to get a new starview, who knows starview may wave the 12 months sub after a while but cos you are in uk get the krypt