Buying DBox

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by tracie212, Feb 18, 2007.

  1. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    I've tried using EBay. Is that the cheapest? I can't even get an EBay account because of something abouty browsers and cookies.This is driving me insane. Everyone seems to have them but I can't get it (
  2. Dunxs1

    Dunxs1 Member

    Jan 18, 2007
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    I bought mine (sagem )off someone on ebay who offers a reflashing service, I contacted him direct via his website,i'm not sure if it's allowed for me to put the link on this site?
    i'm not a techy myself and just wanted as near as poss to plug and play. The afore mentioned person only lives a few miles from me (West Yorks) so I got him to source a good box and install the software. I then picked the box up from him and he gave me an instruction sheet telling me how to scan for channels, easy- similar to updating a channel list on a freeview box via the remote.
    The box has been ok, freezes occasionaly but is cured buy turning off and back on again, not really a problem.
    Had the box for 3 weeks now.
    Hope you get sorted.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2007
  3. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    That sounds ideal. The guys I bought it from have done a runner and stolen all my hardware. I also got them from EBay. So I am very reluctant to get involved again.
  4. Dunxs1

    Dunxs1 Member

    Jan 18, 2007
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    Thats part of the reason I was cautious, i've been scammed for small amounts on ebay before, but to be honest I think it's the exception.
    Good feedback is the key, and plenty of research, if you can find someone local you can use thier knowledge to help you set up- and if they don't deliver what you've paid for you can always go round and get your money back ;0)
  5. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    And how can I find them?
  6. Dunxs1

    Dunxs1 Member

    Jan 18, 2007
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    Did you get it ok?
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2007
  7. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    Yes, thanks. And I replied !
  8. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    I sourced mine from a very good dealer in Germany - when he ships them sends me tracking number to trace and gets here within 4 working days.

    I have also ordered another 4 for friends and family from same guy and again no problems.

    where are you located (I am in West Yorkshire) - may have a spare box avaialble if you are interested
  9. tracie212

    tracie212 Guest

    In west Yorkshire just like Duncan on the board!
    I'm in London. The guys I bought it from have NOW returned my call-They are telling me that to insert a new tuner takes four weeks and they need to send it back to Germany. I was furious with them. They are supposed to offer 2 years' guarantee. Do you knowanyone who can fit it for me? Preferably in London
  10. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    you can buy the tuner off ebay and if you know someone who can solder then its straighforward to replace the tuner.. do you have a mate of family member who can solder... you can buy a tuner for about 30 quid I think

    if the box has to be sent off to germany then expect a 14 days to get it back.

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