Told my mom to get me an xbox for xmas. I plan on softmodding it but have never done it before so not sure about one thing. Does it matter if it is a brand new xbox or not, or should i tell her to buy a used one in hopes of it being an older model and easier to mod. Thanks Mitch
I'm pretty sure that you will be fine with a new xbox. Just so you know, if you get it softmodded, if you make a mistake on anything with the softmod, you will have to start over from square one. If I were you, you could ask your Mom, to buy you a mod chip to go with it as well. If you can get one, Go with the Xecuter 3CE (solderless).
@ Davgerm4 Are the 1.6 or higher xboxes much more difficult than the 1.4 to install cause the diagrams look pretty confusing to me?
Well, I would recommend you to buy a pre-chipped v1.5 xbox with an Xecuter 3 CE mod-chip. Xbox v1.6 is not mod-friendly........
Well she told me today that she had to buy a used one, that was all they had. Anyway i figure ill soft mod the thing and see if i use it or like it, and if i do then ill get a chip. Im more into computer games and stuff like that, just couldn't think of anything else for xmas for around that $100 mark so went with this.
I have a v1.6 xbox, and I installed the Xecuter 3 CE, with no issues at all. It took time to install it, but it really wasn't that difficult. If you need help though with installing a chip in a v1.6 xbox, PM me.
i recommend you DO NOT mod your xbox...i modded mine and it got broken...i didnt even do anything to it...didnt delete anything or anything...all of a sudden it stoped working and i got error DO NOT mod your xbox it is a WASTE of me modding is stupid...DON'T
Modding is great if done correctly. If you started a thread with detailed description, i'm sure it could be fixed if nothing is fried in your xbox!
if you can play a game you can correctly mod an xbox its just pressing A a lot and from there its nothing but enjoyment
that's got to be the most uneducated statement I've read on here today (but it was quickly topped by austin212's post below it). the only boxs that are mod unfriendly in the slightest are the 1.0 & 1.6b where MS ever so nicely soldered up all the via's (pin header holes) on you. the 1.6 and later do require the LPC rebuild but that's a cake walk. I'd also recommend the Xecuter X3ce chip over the softmod and i don't recommend the Xapt3r (or any solderless adapters) kc
Ok... Ok... I made a mistake. The only reason why I said an xbox v1.6 is not mod-friendly because I had found it difficult to install mod-chips on an xbox v1.6 as compared to 1.0 - 1.5 xboxes.
please elaborate there, I've only installed 300+ chips in boxes and in all cases but the ones with the pin header holes soldered closed it takes a whole 20 min to do the complete installation so i might of missed something that you've ran into that i need to be on the look out for. kc