can someone tell me how cable broadband works cuz im gettin ntl broadband! i had adsl with pipex and used my d-link 504 router, will the router work with ntl or will they give me a crappy modem?
i have that same model D-Link ADSL modem/Router but it's for ADSL and not Cable. now i;ve got Cable so what i did personally was to buy a £35 Cable Router from PC world (wireless) and the original Cable modem supplied by the provider, is plugged into the Cable Router and then you can hang all your PC's off the Router the same as you do with normal ADSL..
so if i did what you told me would it be the same like my old one where i dont need to manualy coonect it does it for me when the router is online
it'll work as it did before, except you'll be able to have loads of pc's on cable this way, if you used just the cable modem on it's own you'd only be able to use the on pc.
when you sign up for cable you'll get a cable modem free. so then all you need to do (if you want to that is) is buy a router and connect that to the modem...