well this isnt the first time this happens to me, but i have been capped again. I was downloading some music on soulseek (not that it really matters) and all the sudden the internet gets extremely slow. so i take a speed test. dl: 1.3 mbs, up: 140kbs. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS! who chooses when they cap people, or what is the criteria for this? i wasnt uploading more then 40 kbs... Does anyone know a way to get uncapped? with a good reason, because they always say "this is your last warning"... we have optimum online if anyone knows what that is..
why don't you get a hold of your provider and find out what the problem is with your account, also the slow speed could be from the person that you are downloading from, also if you are geting caped, you need to make sure that you don't go to places that are known by your provider for shaddey downloading.
This is a myth. Cable companies do not "cap" your modem or your upload speed. Problems can be caused by high transmit of possible bandwidth issues in your area or as cable companies refer to it as your "node". The most common issue for sudden slow upload speeds is a problem with your house wiring/cable modem etc. If you need any help explaining in more detail let me know. For starters go to this website. Look at your power level downstream (should be between +9 and -6) Then look at your power leveil upstream aka transmit level it should be between 33 and 53. TX levels shouldnt be fluctuating any more than 2 or 3 db. SNR is your signal to noise ratio. You want this to be as close to 30 as possible. Back to your statement the only thing that is true about capping/uncapping modems is that you the customer can uncap your modem but it is illegal. If you have any questions or need help let me know i can possibly help figure out why you are getting sudden slow speeds.
so what speed are you paying for? and does this just happen with soulseek? or are you also using a bittorent clinet? if so you can go in to the program, also if you were going to be capped they would cap everything not just your up speed, also your up is about the right speed, i have a 3mg down and a 512 up and the most i go up is 60kps, i colled the provider and they said that they are aware of the problem and said it would be fixed soon.
haha its not a myth. ive been capped twice before, and i was told i was by the cable company themselves.. its deffenatly not a myth. im paying for 5mb download, 1mb upload. im barely getting 14k upload. that download is as normal. way up.
What cable company do you have as your ISP? cause i work for Cox Communications and we dont cap modems. We will straight up kick people off our service for a month at a time if they are caught running game servers or doing anything that is sucking up the bandwidth on a personal account. Whos your ISP?
Let me look into this for you. Whos your ISP? What kinda modem do you have? And from the looks of your speed test im guessing you are paying for 15mb down, 5 mb up?