I have a 3MB cable connection. Is it in megabytes or megabits? When I go to a speed test site. It always gives me my down speed as kilo or megabits. Just wondering what the proper designation is, bytes or bits? Lately my speed ranges from 1.5 to 2.8 megabits or 178 kilobtyes to 377 kilobytes. Is this a reasonable speed for a 3MB connection? Thanks in advance for any answers.
Megabits. I have a 3MB connection too, and when I test I usually get between 2.5 - 2.8 What you really want to do is test in a location NEAR you to find out your actual speed. There's nothing you can really do if you live in Canada and you test in Australia and find out your speeds are quite slow. The speed sounds reasonable, I cap out at 350kbs downloads of torrents etc.
3MB is three megabytes/second. 3Mb is three megabits/second (.375MB or 375KB/s). This is quite fast :^) A megabyte comes in every 3 seconds - that's good for large files, 2100 seconds for 1 CDRom. What's that - about 1/2 hour, not too shabby... No - you have a 3Mb/s connection. L8R
Thanks guys! That clarified everything for me. I thought it was megabytes/second. Bits sound more reasonable when you guys explain it. So my connection speed is right were it should be.
Everyone hate on djscoop now. One day, when I make it into a big-time billionaire, I'll have my T-oiletman connection. AHAHAH! My puns are HARLARIOUS!
Limelite, I have the same speed as you, and I am a happy camper. I would like more speed, but I live out in the country, and I am damn lucky I have broadband, period. LOL
Im in the country too. At first i was worried id have to get dial up, man i was surprised when dsl was available.