cable modem with aol?

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by cyepumk, Apr 2, 2005.

  1. cyepumk

    cyepumk Guest

    i have roadrunner and aol works off of the cable modem now ,but i plan on getting the roadrunner turned off.if i still keep cable service without r.r., can i still use the modem for aol?
  2. Mr_Del

    Mr_Del Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    For what ever dumb reason AOL does not have stand alone brodband anymore. If you cancel that Broadband Service then you will not be able to use AOL.(except as dial up)

  3. cyepumk

    cyepumk Guest

    so a dsl modem is in order?is that any good?what are the pros and cons?
  4. vans12

    vans12 Regular member

    Jan 10, 2004
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    AOL is the biggest peice of crap ever why in the world would you want that.
  5. Mr_Del

    Mr_Del Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    The answere to which is better is : It depends on where your house is. DSL degrades with distance. Usualy a DSL line will run about 3 to 5 miles. So if your house is on the end then you might as well use dial up. If your house is next to the switch then rock on. DSL also seems to be more stable. The speed you get will always be the speed you get. Hardly any downtime. Ive had it in my home for 2 years and only had 5 minutes of downtime total.

    Cable modem is said to degrade by how many people are on the node. We will leave that at that.Cable is strange. Most of the time it is at full speed. Then there are times it will crawl. You never know when its going to be at what speed. At top speed Cable is faster than DSL but it does not maintain that speed very long. Down time is awful. If you ever experiance down time you will be waiting days to have it back. Most cable companies do not have a dial up option in the event of down time. DSL does. You will find people that have never had downtime. But the ones that have know what I am talking about.

    So you see its all on the location of your house. if your near the end of a DLS line then cable is your best bet. If you are at the beginning of the line then its up to you. I choose DSL because of steady speed and reliability. I would recomend ditching that AOL. Its not worth the money. Yes I know your e-mail is there as well as your adress book. Some internet companies have a migration tool to move that stuff over. You can do all the cool things AOL does without AOL. I dont think they are cool. They are just money grubbers.

    Oh yeah almost forgot. The cheapest way to get DSL is straight from your phone company. The catch there is that you have to also use there home phone service or they wont hook up the DSL. If you have a bell companie then you should know they have great tech support. You wont end up talking to India when you call it. I hate that stupid NAFTA tech support.

    So there you have it through my eyes.
  6. kyle_101

    kyle_101 Guest

    You dont have to use aol software anymore but you can still have a connection with aol.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2005
  7. Mr_Del

    Mr_Del Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    but you still have to pay those rip off prices.

  8. cyepumk

    cyepumk Guest

    well,right now im on someomeelses able to get dial-up here even though they dont live im assuming that if im able to get dsl service where im at all i have to do is get a dsl modem and sign on to aol.all i would do is pay some of the service then use yahoo or msn after i sign on.sounds good,think it will work.
    and by the way,how do i find out about dsl availibity in my area?i live nere the sprint headquarters in my town.but not sure if it is within 5miles.
  9. Mr_Del

    Mr_Del Regular member

    Feb 3, 2005
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    You will have to call you phone company to see if the service is available to you. Yes you can get AOL ontop of your braodband service. Last I saw it was $5 a month. Here is why AOL is a rip off. AOL dial up is almost $26 a month.

    Most other dial up places are $5-$10 a month. Its all the same internet. you can do all the same things as AOL. The only thing different is the AOL interface software (full of popups and spyware). So if you like spending way to much for Internet then keep AOL. Make no sense to me.


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