Cable running through dvd player

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by pcbears, Jul 9, 2007.

  1. pcbears

    pcbears Member

    Jul 7, 2007
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    Hey I just bought a new TV for really cheap the reason is because the co-axial jack is broken off and would cost a lot to fix but I know that I could run cable through my dvd player and then from there have RCA cables hook into the tv and it would be fine. My only problem is that the coaxial cable doesn't fit. Is there and adapter that the cable hooks into and then hooks into the dvd player. I have a syvania srd 3900. Just wandering hope someone can help. Thanks
  2. JVC

    JVC Active member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    I've never seen a dvd player that accepted a cable company's RF coax cable.

    If you're talking about the RCA jack, on back of dvd player, that's labeled "coaxial", that's an output, not an input. That's a digital coax output, for running 5.1 surround sound audio, to an A/V receiver.

    If your dvd player, is one that's built into an A/V receiver (HTIB -- Home Theater In A Box), you'll need to run an s-video or yellow composite cable, from a cable box, to your receiver, then out to the tv.
    If it's not an HTIB, you'll need to go to Wal Mart or Radio Shack, and buy an RF Modulator. That will allow you to run the cable company's RF coax cable into the modulator, and then run the red, white and yellow composite cables to the tv.
  3. pcbears

    pcbears Member

    Jul 7, 2007
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    Oh I figured it out. There is a spot on my dvd player for antenna in and out. I just hooked my coaxia caple to that and just have all three RCA jacks running to the tv and now I have cable through input 1. It saved me 300 dollars doing it that way. Thank you though but now i know how to set up my surround
  4. 2colors

    2colors Guest

    "There is a spot on my dvd player for antenna in and out."

    It's called a DVD Recorder when you have antenna in & out. DVD Players don't have cable in & out.

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